
Who here has ESP?

by  |  earlier

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How do you use it throughout the day? How does it come to you, clairvoyance? clairsentience? etc.




  1. People are really obvious. It's not ESP. It's reading facial expressions/body language.

  2. So many believe in it, but no one has it.  Those who believe they have it are blessed with an acute case of confirmation bias.  They can predict 100 things and get 5 of them right.  If you ask them they'll tell you they only predicted 5 things.  Oh, and the predictions are so general as to be completely worthless.

  3. No i don't have ESP but i do have ESPN, but that isn't the same.

  4. I've been working on it but I'm not very good. So far I can only predict what's going to be on TV.

  5. I think we all have some we are not using, which makes it a bit rusty, it's just too scary for some, others don't want to do what it takes to develop it. I can say I have a bit of perception, I am searching, not so much to develop this, but to gain access into the "I Am All," and this will bring it's promised gifts.  "All these things will be added to you."

    Things come to me when the time is right. I'm not into the spectacular. If I had such a gift as you, say, I would find a way to utilize it for the betterment of mankind, but most of all, I would be a "Watcher."

    Develop and watch thoughts.

    Aum, Peace, Amen

  6. Thought I'd send in a nicer and honest answer...

    ESP is so vague in description, but I do have it. Most of the time I'm at least 75% right, sometimes only a little.. It's like there's a little switch that turns it on and off and I'm not the one controlling that, but maybe with time? Yes, I have predicted future events. Yes, I have been able to stand in a location unknown to me till I got there and I could tell witnesses what happened there. Yes, I can contact some spirits (if they are willing) and get a bit of information from them.

    I am also a paranormal investigator in charge of my own group, quite fun, really.

    If you believe in the reality of ESP, then it will be easier for you to develop it if that is what you wish to eventually do. Good luck to you, contact me if you need a few pointers.

  7. ESP as a concept does NOT exist.  However, some people have the capability to predict happenings MUCH BETTER THAN OTHERS using information stored in memory as a probability exercise. Just try to predict the outcome of a lottery for which you have no stored memory information.

  8. telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance.

    check the reference above for additional information

    about  ESP.

    Do you consider yourself a prophet?;...

  9. um i'm not sure if i have it....i don't want it right now....i want to use it  when i trully need it and when i feel prepared to use it in the right way.In my's a pure thing...

    And someone said about a challenge.....i said it before and say it again: If you have a should NEVER use it for greedy purposes.

  10. I do! I knew you were going to ask this question.

    Just kidding. ESP and everything like it is a hoax. Check out the James Randi Paranormal Challenge.



  11. Exemplary Skeptical Perception?  I do!!!

  12. I KNEW you would ask that question

  13. Of course if you have it.You wouldn't need to ask questions like this.

  14. Iknew you would ask this
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