
Who here has been ttc for 15 months?every month I feel like its the month and I loose hope when af shows up.?

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Who here has been ttc for 15 months?every month I feel like its the month and I loose hope when af shows up.?




  1. It's been about 2 years for us, pretty emotional isn't it?  After a year I went and talked to my doctor about it, who ended up referring me to a fertility specialist.  When we went to the doctor what I really wanted to know was.... what was keeping it from happening for us.  They ran tests on me and tested my husband's sperm.  It up that my hormone levels aren't where they need to be, which keeps me from doing everything that needs to happen to get pregnant.  We've been on some different medications and are hoping for success.  

    It was nice to know answers and find out why we were having problems.  Then we talked about what our options were for treatment, if we wanted to do treatment, and how much we were willing to spend on everything... then went from there.  

    Another thing that I stopped doing was taking pregnancy tests.  I found that they were more disappointing that when I actually just started my period on my own.  

    Good luck with everything!!!

  2. My husband and I have been trying for 20 months now - I know how hard it is, it sucks, big time!!  There's been many months that I think it's finally happened, only for AF to rear her ugly head.  It's hard not to get your hopes up, I've tried to just lay back and enjoy, but hey, when you want something so bad, you cant help but hope!  

    My husband and I both have gone through all the testing and we're in the 'unexplained' category - which is the hardest one to be in.  At least if there's a medical reason, then you can work on fixing that, but when they don't know why you're not getting pregnant - it blows!  :)

    We just went through our first medicated IUI, I'm currently 15 days past it and cycle day 29 <-- this is the longest my cycle has ever been - BUT - I'm also on progesterone suppositories as well, so that could be why.  I went for a blood pregnancy test yesterday, and now have to wait until tomorrow to find out - and it'll be at work too.  It better be a positive, or I dont honestly know how I'll make it through work!?  

    The moral to my story?  Don't ever give up hope - it's thehardest thing you'll ever go through, but it'll be worth it in the end!  :)  Also, find a friend or family member who you can talk to about it whole experince, it'll help.  Oh yeah, one more thing - make sure you and your husband/boyfriend get tested for everything......... to see why it hasn't happened yet.

    Sticky baby dust to all.

  3. sorry to hear you're going through this....dont' give up some women get pregnant after a couple of years trying, are you checking for ovulation? maybe you should talk to a doc to see if you can get meds like Clomid to help you, you can ask a doctor online for free for advice, and also find other women going through similar situation, try

  4. i have been ttc for almost 2 years. i have spent so much on tests because i was sure i was. i had every symptom possible, and every month a negative. i recently learned that i had endometriosis, which caused blockage to my fallopian tubes and ovaries, preventing the sperms mobility, therefore sperm could not make it in. i know this is hard to do, but stop thinking this is going to be the month, just enjoy s*x, because stress decreases your chances significantly. when i finish my traetment i am thinking about fertility drugs

  5. 20 months .... now i have one son almost 6yrs ago . so when i got married we though get off the pill have a baby no biggie and here we sit 20 months later . depressing yes cause you feel like everything you try nothing is good enough all my friends are having babies even those who didnt want to have babies at this time and here we sit wanting and waiting and wanting and testing andmy HSG exray was neg ,next test is my post coital ,then lastroscopy and i hope a test shows something because i hate hearing I DONT know from the dr ..  but yeah  I even missed a period one month and we got so excited i have only missed a period one other time and it was around christmas we though A x-mas miracle but i peed on stick after stick and they were all neg and next month came my friend...   best advice hang in there  and try to keep your head up find a project to keep you busy

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