
Who here has been unfairly fired or forced to quit? How did you handle it?

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Who here has been unfairly fired or forced to quit? How did you handle it?




  1. I was unfairly fired.  I just shook my head in sadness and moved on.

    Ended up with a better-paying job and a shorter commute, so it was a good thing in the end.  However, it's the first time I was ever the victim of racism, being a white person, and it was a very eye-opening and disturbing experience for me.  Definitely made me a lot more sensitive to the other groups who suffer racism.

  2. I was unfairly fired once for throwing a full cup of pepsi at a customer...How employee unfriendly was that?!

  3. I work in IT, I've been canned, replaced by outsourcing, made redundant and whatnot more times than I care to remember.

    It is my job, and not my life - I work to live, not the other way around.

    So after the initial indignation I just move on. The one time I did fight it (and won) conditions on the work floor became very tense and nobody was happy.

    Plus there are always jobs for capable cable monkeys, plus I don't have a family to support and keep a decent amount of money in a savings account in case I get canned or decide to take a sabbatical.

  4. I have endured lots of unfair things in my life. But this I know, when one door closes my God is able to open another! It is always a better job or opportunity than I had before. I just have learned to let go and let God lead me. It takes the worry out to know that He is in control and has plans for me! Blessings! I hope this helps!

  5. Forced into retirement for health reasons from a physically demanding career, I thanked God for given me the opportunity to do something I really wanted to do. I didn't look back with regrets and saddness over what I lost, but looked forward to the challenges of the future.

    Take the high road, and you will never have to look over your shoulder.  

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