
Who here has chronic medical problems?

by  |  earlier

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what do you have and what is wrong with you

I have brain damage so I constantly feel stupid and lightheaded and dizzy and I believe I have some brain anuresyms waiting to rupture

I have a frequent urination problem(Interstitial Cysitis I believe)

I can no longer get a complete erection from a t******e injury and my t******e hurts most of the time, I have to rest it on a pillow when I sleep, and I am only able to sleep a 1-2 hours at a time from the injury and the urination problem

Yes I have a wonderful life




  1. Iron deficency test: Go to the mirror and pull your lower eyelid and see if the color is red or flesh color. If its flesh colored you are lacking enough iron and should take a herbal iron like Floradix. It will take a month to see a difference. Iron carrys oxygen in your blood and if you dont have it you will feel tired, cold hands and feet, headaches, RLS, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, poor sleep, pale skin (see thru), shortness of breath, fatigue, poor concentration, low mood, ringing in the ears, irregular heart beats, cracks in the corner of the mouth, dizziness, fainting, sore tongue and canker sores. Add b12 and folic acid for best results

    You can take Uva Urse for your UTI

    The t******e injury is more than likely needs to be seen by a dr and your sleep problem is from lack of minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium. You can look up each on to see that Im telling the truth. Take minerals 20 minutes before bed and possibly double up on your dose for 5 days so you can get sleep quicker.

    You will notice a big difference when you start taking the iron (floridix is pill or liquid), b12 and folic acid . Drink a small orange juice with your meals so you can absorb what iron you are getting from your food.

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