
Who here has crapped their pants???

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here is my story...

Freshman year


I still remember the boxers that i wore that day and to this day i find it to be bad luck to wear those same pairs of boxers on Tuesdays.

Freshman year 4th period Math-

During the test i got that stomach feeling and BAM pancake batter between my buttcheeks and pants. Got up asked for a pass and power walked to the restroom to wipe my a55/pants/boxers.

Later that day

Football practice-

While stretching, you know that one with one leg out, WEll BOOM there it was. It was like my butt was making a funnel cake. I asked to go to the restroom, but guess what, coach said Right after we finish snakes


so i did snakes while s**t dried up in my pants, it felt like a potery sculpture was being made of my a55cheeks

atleast it wasnt as bad as this guys experience =/

whats your story, if you top marathon guy u get 10 points and my deep sympathies




  1. omg. i just read the first answer... i would have been humiliated!

  2. wow . ok i was trying to loose weight so the only thing i ate was fruits and veg tables a whole month. one day i started to feel pain in my stomach so i went to the bathroom at school when i went i filled the whole toilet up and i couldn't even flush it . so i said forget it i didn't know that half of my class was in the bathroom it was so embarrassing  

  3. I went on a hiking/canoe trip with my boyfriend and his family. It was the first time meeting his parents, so I wanted to show my best. Well, the night before I was camping with my boyfriend and for dinner we had this stew that he made. Anyway, we were canoeing in the middle of the lake when suddenly i sh1tted. I figured no one would notice, that I would go to the bathroom as soon as we got to shore. But my bf's mom said something about how there was a smell. Then she looked at me and told me i had some mud on my shorts. I guess she figured what it was, and she looked embarrassed for saying anything. When we got to shore, I started to look for a bathroom when my bf's little brother who was about 12 pointed at me and said "Chris (my boyfriend) you're girlfriend pooped in her pants!" I was so embarrassed, I ran to the bathroom and opened the stall door, and I walked in on my boyfriend's dad going to the bathroom! It was the worst day of my life, and I still can't look at my boyfriend's parents the same!

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