
Who here has ever gone to San Luis Potosi Mexico! and if you have what did you think?

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Who here has ever gone to San Luis Potosi Mexico! and if you have what did you think?




  1. I live in San Luis Potosi state, I guess it's alright but I could mention other states with more fun things to do. In the capital you have the colonial archetecture a few museums etc. Nothing really special or out of the ordinary. It all depends on what you are looking to do as a tourist really. At night downtown is dead even on the weekends and there are no clubs or discos, let alone a really decent variety of restaurants. They are all outside of the downtown area.  While we do get tourists, tourisim is not a major industry in S.L.P.  so don't expect to find a whole lot of things for tourists as you would find in say Michoacan,  Monterrey, San Miguel De Allende Guanajuato, Mexico City, or the coastal resorts.

    For trips outside the capital you can go to Real De Catorce in the north, the ghost city where "The Mexican" was filmed or come out here towards the Huasteca and Rioverde and visit our springs the "Media Luna"  (warm water even now when its cold out)  We also have the city fair going on from now till Saturday which would be nice if you have never been to a mexican fair. Only 2 hours from the capital.  It's really beautiful going out towards the coast from here to Ciudad Valles, everything is lush, green and jungle and lots of rivers and falls adventure trips etc.


    Hahaha ya right Rolando I think you will even lie to get the "Best Answer".  You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Strange how you defend something you know nothing about.. All you did was google a bunch of info but have no firsthand experience? And btw I've lived all over the USA, and Hawaii before coming to Mexico.

    First off as I said there are no decent restaurants downtown.

    OMG this Sanborns you talk of is a 20 minute from downtown.  It's in a mall, and hardly worth driving out there to go to. Yes gorditas are great, I love them as well as Barbacoa Tacos, but you can find those at any stand and gorditas in the morning if you look around. At night you can have greasy Enchiladas Potosinos. hah.

    San Luis Potosi is far from one of the most beautiful cities in the world.   Obviously you have never travelled outside of Mexico if you think this. Let's not even try to exaggerate nor compare it to europe, japan, the USA or even Canada.  It's not a tourist town nor designed to be one and as such there is very little to offer tourists.

    The hotels downtown? Unarguably dirty and run down, all of them.  Doesnt compare to hotels in Monterrey now does it where you have 5 star hotels right smack downtown?  If you want nice hotels you have to stay out of the historical downtown area and that is really the only area thats nice, that and Lomas, and carranza, then what do you have???   Dirty Barrios for the most part, spread out from the center to the outskirts.  San Luis Potosi is good for perhaps a 1 day stay. You can see all the historical stuff and museums in one day.  Some great tourist spot dude.

    What is there in the north of the State?  Desert.  Even east of the capital where I live the town of Rioverde is absolutely filthy.  Dust everywhere, buildings unpainted lots of muddy unpaved streets outside of the center, and the people arent exactly so warm and friendly like in the north.   They would stare and stare at americans walking around as if they were extraterristrials (as they do me and ive been here 18 years)  

    Honestly Rioverde is excessively boring besides the Springs, there is no entertainment nor night life during the week, and you really have to get towards Tamasopo to where the state is really beautiful.  This is the part of the state I could honestly reccomend for people to visit. Absolutely there are places that rival the most beautiful spots on earth. However we are talking the Huasteca  (Thats almost 4 hours east of the capital dude.)  You musta been high on Peyote when you came here if you thought the entire state was so pretty. lol

    The only movie I can remember filmed in the capital is Frida.

  2. hahahaha  KINO  go home!...

    san luis potosi is one of the most beautiful states in mexico!...

    you can do loads of things over there!.

    THE CITY OF san luis potosi is  one of the beautiful cities in the  world!.. i've travelled round the world !. I've visited many cities in europe , canada, U.s. South america, and i consider this city just awesome.

    The state itself has a lot to offer to any tourist whether they have a big budget or an small one.

    San luis potosi city  was a colonial town, and the downtown architecture is just great, many hollywood pictures habe been shot over there.

    I assume kino has not travelled round the world , sometimes it could happen thus he can't appreciate the small things your  dwelling place has to offer to any tourist ( your mind(kino) is trapped in the daily grind so that you don't have the time to realize all the nuances and small details of your own culture).

    well i'm a little bit busy   , but i just google some keywords on google just to provide you a quick guide of what to see and do on San luis potosi.

    Millions of things comes to mine mind , please I'd just put on a list the things that come to my first.

    check the links below.

    FOOD  hahaha  i love san luis potosi's  food

    if you want to eat  "gorditas" which literally means little fat women but in this case apply for a really popular dish made of thikened tortilla maize with cheese and meat !.

    go to "gorditas de morales" place , which is a neighborhood near the university of the state main campus, and go to sanborn's restaurant which is the best but keep in mind the mexican food is spicy ask for "gorditas de chicharron".

    chocolates hahaha

    the state of san luis potosi has 4 regions

    1.-zona centro  -- worth going "capital city of the state"

    2.-zona media -- worth going "media luna"  a lake

    3.-zona huasteca  -- worth going to "huasteca potosina" every single town arounf huasteca potosina is worth going.  

    4.-altiplano potosino  -- you must go to "real de catorce" is town located up in the mountains [the film "the mexican" was shot there]

    all the regions have a lot of things to offer from regional cuisine to beautiful landscapes.

    just  be aware  the part of the state near the coast is  bloody hot during spring and early summer.. the temperature may reach 45 C degrees at 3.00 p.m, so  plan ahead to try to avoid coming visit the eastern part of the state on may .. it could be  quite hot and wet.

    have a good one!.

  3. not all that!

    BUT it's nice...

  4. it rocked

  5. ive been there but i only spent about a da there so i dont really know it that well. i liked what i saw though

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