
Who here has investigated the history of religions?

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Are any Christians afraid to investigate?




  1. Am Christian and am not afraid to investigate, in fact, I watched all of those documentaries on the History channel and I still believe in God.  

  2. Are you kidding!?  They think all is in that bible, and they become shockingly nervous even to think about reading up on history that proves how wrong they are in their thinking.

  3. I am Catholic.  I have done some reasearch on the history and teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

  4. I've only been able to scratch the surface of this because I get so many conflicting views on this. Greek & Coptic Translator will not stop expressing how historically viable the Bible was, while atheists tell me that it is nothing but a pack of lies written by nobody having anything to do with the Gospels.

    I'm not afraid to investigate, but I would like a good starting point from an agnostic.

  5. I've investigated them all!  None make any sense to me, they're all stinky bull-plop!

    Why I don't get a Honorary Degree for my extensive research is beyond me!

    I'm Atheist!

  6. I've looked into a few.

  7. Christians are not afraid. They believe that historians are friends of the devil, and should be ignored like the plague. And this belief is not, as many claim, based on their fear of actually reading a book and having to think about it.

  8. In Arabic, Islam means "submission" and is described as a Din, meaning "way of life" and/or "religion." Etymologically, it is derived from the same root as, for example, Salam meaning "peace" (also a common salutation). The word Muslim is also related to the word Islam and means "one who surrenders" or "submits" to God, or a "vassal" of God.

    Muslims hold that it is essentially the same belief as that of all the messengers sent by God to mankind since Adam, with the Qur'an (the one definitive text of the Muslim faith) codifying the final revelation of God. Islam sees Judaism and Christianity as derivations of the teachings of certain of these prophets - notably Abraham - and therefore see them as fellow Abrahamic religions, and People of the Book. Unlike Christianity, Islam has not undergone any period of reformation; however, that is essentially the goal of various liberal movements within Islam. Islam has two primary branches of belief, based largely on a historical disagreement over the succession of authority after Muhammad's death; these are known as Sunnite and s**+'ite.

    The basis of Muslim belief is found in the shahadatan ("two statements"): la ilaha illa-llahu; mu?ammadur-rasulu-llahi — "There is no god but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God." One needs to recite and believe these statements in order to become a Muslim. All Muslims agree to this, although Sunnis further regard this as one of the five pillars of Islam.

  9. I spent a great deal of time studying the world’s religion.  I started from the perspective of agnostic leaning toward atheist.  Strangely enough I ended up becoming a Christian.  

  10. As an Asatru, believer in the Asier and Vana Gods of my people, ive looked into other religions.  All religions have the potential to be misused.  The more organised the religion the more damage it can do when being misused, see witch trials, crusades and jihad.  In the end every man and woman must stand before their ancestors and be judged or denied a place at their table in Valhalla.


  11. im a christian. when i first came to a beleif in a god, i investigated many religions. i came to the conclusion that JEHOVAH, the GOD of abraham, and moses is the true GOD and that Jesus is the Son of GOD on my own, through much study. i was once an atheist. nobody brainwashed me into beleiving in GOD.  

  12. Yes ,I am Christian

  13. Are you referring to the violent pasts of many world religions?  If so, it's best to understand that a religion is a tradition that advocates its own value system and understanding of God.  Each religion has its own way of worshiping and celebrating God.  The religious violence of the past was just as bad as the religious violence in the world today, but this does not mean that anyone whom embraces the religion accepts this past violence of thousands of years ago.

    Furthermore, religion itself is much less important than morality, ethics, and the choices that we make throughout life.  God will judge us based on these things.

  14. I have a B.A. in Religion from the University of Florida.

  15. It's hard to believe all this happened by chance. Studied different religions and they all have a founder., take a good look at him/her and you find what they believe to be true. The fact they all say they talk to God and they all write their own story. Thousands of different religions all claiming to be the true church mot logical but somehow believe it. Looks more like power, control; and money,  Take a good look they tell people if you want

    a gift from God sent in your money. These people live like kings and everyone that throws money at them think they deserve it. They are all being taken for a ride and don't even know. They figured out marketing God is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year (tax free). .You  

  16. Zeitgeist. The first chapter only.

  17. Every seminarian takes a required course in comparative religions. It is a matter of faith not investigation that is required.

    Answer: As for fear, see Psalm 23.

  18. I did.

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