
Who here hates the EU or UN and why?

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Who here hates the EU or UN and why?




  1. The UN is full of Tin Horn dictators that want to get a total control of this country

  2. Why is it okay to be the world's policeman in terms of Iraq but yet not okay to go along with multinational organizations such as the UN and EU.  Participation in such organizations are well within US national interests.

  3. The UN has become too powerful.  Its rules and regulations violate the US Constitution and our government is going along with it in order to participate in world trade.

  4. I love the UN. It's time to do away with the permanent security council since that's the biggest problem the UN has.

  5. not me. we need to be a better partner in the UN.

  6. Chevella70: "The UN serves the interest of other nations, but is a parasite to the United States.

    We put up the most money only to be told what we can and cannot do. It's time we get rid of the UN".

    I'm sorry, but this is a load of c**p. Do you honestly believe the United States would be a part of the UN if it were not in its interests?! The UN is part of a global network of organisations - IMF, WTO, World Bank, G8 etc - the United States and other rich nations use to set the economic and political agenda for the world.

    An example: the founders of the United Nations, the USA, Britain and Russia, together with their wartime allies, China and France, have awarded themselves "permanent member" status of the Security Council. With this comes the power of veto, and this fact shapes every decision the Council makes. Other member states don't bother preparing resolutions that the United States will reject. To repeat, everything that the Security Council does requires the permission of these five members.

    It's a complete joke - powerful countries can simply bribe or blackmail temporary members, as the US did in order to wage war on Iraq in 1990. One member that refused to support the resolution, Yemen, mysteriously saw its annual aid cancelled.  

    Obviously, there is more to the UN than it's Security Council, but the trend is seen across the board. The UN is simply not constitutionally-designed to protect the interests of the poor and so their needs are inevitably trampled on.

    The fact is that until these organisations - UN, IMF, EU - are democratised at a global level (or better still, replaced by actual democratic institutions, like a World Parliament) there is no hope of this ever changing. The G8 countries will continue to set the agenda, "giving with one finger, taking with both hands" (George Monbiot) ensuring that poorer nations are confined to an endless cycle of poverty.

    So I share Some Conservative's distaste for the EU and the UN, although for very different reasons I'm sure. I'm also sure that my "World Parliament" suggestion (hardly unique to me) will go down like a granny on a frosty morning.

  7. Since I'm an American I don't care about the EU. The UN is hopelessly corrupt & hostile towards the US, Israel & democracy in general.

  8. I'm not a big fan of either.  Both are shams that have been supported behind the scenes by societies elites.  Neither one is a good idea for human liberties and if we continue to steer towards a World Gov't.  as the EU and the pending NAU  preclude,  it'll be a sad day for everyone who cherishes what few liberties we have.  

    The UN is anti-American, although the US is the biggest contributor to this organization.  One only needs to research the beginnings of this organization to find out who truly is behind it and what their motivations are.  And it isn't people of every nation holding hands and singing "Kumbaya".

  9. The UN doesn't do sh*t

  10. They are good ideas, but in practice are incompetent. They make resolutions to impose  prior resolutions. Basically they say, if you dont stop it, we are really gonna get mad this time, not like the last five times...

  11. Basically, the UN was a warm and fuzzy idea at one time, but it is a failure in practice. The UN serves the interest of other nations, but is a parasite to the United States.

    We put up the most money only to be told what we can and cannot do. It's time we get rid of the UN.

  12. i don't hate them (no.. not really...) but I don't hold out nay hope for thenm..

    they are both hopelessly mired in too many beurocrats and incapable of making a decision....

    and they woudl rather work against the US than with it... and they are loosing this race ... when do you wake up and smell what you are cooking?

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