
Who here homeschools??????

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hi im 10 years old and iv been homeschooled since i was in the second grade. just wanted 2 know if how many other ppl do it and how do u feel about it???




  1. My 10yo son homeschools and loves it :-)

  2. I'm actually 13 (seneventh grade)

    This is my first year and I'm homeschooling till I get to high school. I think it's harder because you actually learn and understand thing rather in school in USA they worry about the FCAT and don't take time to teach things students do not understand.

  3. my 15 yr old daughter is in cyber school, which is different then homeschooling, but she gets to work at home, at her own pace, and she is loving it.  

    she was in public school until second grade when we took her out and put her in a private montessori school until 8th grade (thats as far as the school went up to).  this is her first year being at home for studies, but I think we'll continue!

  4. My daughter is homeschooled and loving it!

  5. I homeschooled from 2nd to 5th grade, went to private school for 1st grade and all of middle school, and am going to public school for high school.

    I enjoyed homeschooling because it enabled me to have more free time to enjoy life and learn. I did not like how it required a lot of personal discipline and a lack of social involvement. I did a lot of extra-curricular activities but it was not the same as seeing friends in school each day. However, it did help me grow much closer to my siblings and I think I learned a lot about life during that time.

    Out of my three learning experiences I think the most enjoyable was private school. It was a very social experience and it was a very easy environment to learn in because there were very few students. The most beneficial, however, was public school. I chose to enter a specialty program for honors students. The teachers had a lot of students and therefore experience. I was able to learn to work independently with a lot of resources available to me. I also learned a lot about the real world and hard work.

  6. I was homeschooled; it allowed me to go at my own pace. As a morning person (like many young children), it really helped to start very early in the morning. Others like my brother like to sleep in and be a night-owl; the key to homeschooling is flexibility. My brother wasn't a good homeschooling candidate since while he could learn on his own, he didn't like being taught to. For him, a gifted school was a better choice. I guess homeschooling is for some and not for others.

    I don't understand why elementary school kids don't start school at 7AM as they are usually up at 5AM driving their parents nuts while teenagers tend to complain that they have to be at the bus at 6:30AM. To make it safe for elementary school kids, they should have after-school programs that last about 4 hours and maybe they could work on what they are weak at. Until the public school gets that act together, maybe more people should consider homeschooling. I know it was great for me.

  7. I don't. I go to the International Baccalaureate. It's cool.

  8. I home educate my children.  My daughter just turned ten and she is in the fourth grade, my son is eight and is in the second grade.  They have always been homeschooled.

    They rather enjoy being homeschooled and I love teaching them.  They would answer for themselves, except they are not allowed to use the internet unsupervised and right now they are occupied with their reading/writing.

    There have been some things they have "missed".  Yet, how could they miss it if they had never experienced it?  I guess a better word is curious-there have been some things they have been curious about.  We handled it, though.  For instance, they wanted to ride a bus so we went downtown and rode a bus.  They liked the experience the first time, but another time when we were downtown and had to ride the bus they did not like it because they were hot and uncomfortable.  They wanted to use lunch trays, and that was easy enough-I bought some.  They were used for about a week, and now it is really a rare occasion when they are brought out of the cabinet.  They liked the idea of cubbies or lockers, so we got both-hey, it helps me organize anyway.  I could go on...

    Anyway, I feel that it is a great way to learn and grow as a family, and to follow your individual goals.

  9. I have been Homeschool all my school life, which would be 9 years now. How do I feel about it?, Well... I love it!

    When your Homeschooled you have so much more flexibility.

    I could on for a while longer about why I like it, but I  think "I love it!" sums it up fairly well.

    Good luck with Homeschooling!

  10. My daughter is 10 and has always been homeschooled. She really likes it and doesn't think she'll ever go to school. My son is 7 and also likes homeschooling and even asks if his cousin (who goes to school) can come homeschool with us (he never asks if he can go to school with him :) ).

    I know a lot of homeschooled kids. They are all happy with homeschooling and how their parents are going about it. Let's face it--what parents decide to do for homeschooling makes a big difference in how the kids feel about it.

  11. I've been homeschooled all my life. I had the option of going to public school once I entered 9th grade, (i'm currently in 12th) and every year since my dad has said 'Are you sure you don't want to go to highschool?' And i always say NO.

    I used to want to be public schooled, but for all the wrong reasons. Most of my friends go to public school, and I also wanted to participate in the hs sports (In NC, you aren't allowed to.... but in other states like Florida, you are).

    I realized that those reasons weren't good enough, especially when I was getting a much better education here at home.

    I love homeschooling. It's the best thing my parents could have done for me. I hope that if anyone who is homeschooled wants to go to public school, that they will see, in time, that staying homeschooled is the best option.

    I do school online, so it isn't quite as independant as on my own, or my parents teaching me.

    The classes are a lot better than any school around here, and I have a lot more options.

    The other good thing about it is that if my parents want to take a vacation, i can easily take my lap-top with me and do school at the beach, OR I can take a week off without having to worry about making a lot up at one time.

    A lot of the colleges that I have looked into (I plan on going away for college) are excited about having homeschooled students. Most of us really do get a better education, no matter what other people say or believe.

    As far as not being social, or people having stupid remarks to say about the fact that I stay at home, it just goes to show you how stupid kids are these days. I'm more social than anyone you'll ever meet. I have a job, lots of friends, i do sports, and i'm out with people almost every weekend.

    So much for me being 'sheltered'...

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