
Who here is going to vote Replubican just because Palin is a woman?

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Who here is going to vote Replubican just because Palin is a woman?




  1. no , but after hearing her talk i like her better than mccain

  2. Not me! I'm voting Republican because I despise Barry the messiah.

  3. I was going to vote republican anyways no matter what Os.....Obama sucks

    Besides Palin and her husband rocked this morning

  4. I was voting McCain before, but so what? Would it be any different than 90 percent of blacks voting for a black man?


  5. No, I'm going to vote for her because she is pro-business, pro-life, pro-self defense, and anti-corruption.  

  6. Not me.

  7. Apparently many. Some felt that Hilary was so close and they just missed the chance, and they are so pumped up to have a female president that they would vote for McCain even if he put Britney spears on the ticket.

    I find it hard to believe that even though many of us have never heard of this woman until today, so many are naive enough to think that because she is a woman, and in the little paragraph they've read about her today..she should be president (if McCain dies that is).

    It will take me more than a day to believe that.

  8. Not me!  I was going to vote for McCain anyways.

  9. An older friend of mine is.  She was a Hillary supporter-  1 more for Johnny!!  

  10. Not me...she looks like Britney Spears and acts just like her too.

  11. mccain dont need no female to win over this country!  

  12. All the women who are told to by their Lord and Masters right in between being barefoot, pregnant and getting him another beer.

    The only woman who'd vote for another just on the basis of being the same s*x - fits the description above.

  13. I'm going to vote Republican because Sarah Palin rocks.

  14. I would but i am already voting for Obama because he is black,Do you think i could vote twice???

  15. McCain coulda picked Osama Bin Laden for his running mate and like most Republicians I'd still vote for him ;)

  16. Who is Palin?

    God Bless Joe Biden

  17. From what I've seen so far, Sarah Palin seems to be an incredible person. I have already decided which ticket I am going to vote for, but Palin is a woman who deserves much respect. But you know what? I would think absolutely no less of her if she were a man instead of a woman.

    Voting for someone just because they are black, or because they are female shows that you really don't have any business voting in the first place.

  18. Anyone out there that votes for a person because of their race or s*x is a poor example for democracy.  I don't know ANYTHING about Sarah Palin other than what has been reported on the news, so far.  I don't feel informed enough to form an opinion about her.  I will be looking at the way she handles herself, her family, and her record in her current office.  Regardless of what people say, she hasn't governed with the "BIG BOYS" long enough to see how she handles pressure.  I like the fact that she is successful in Alaska and I will be looking deeper into this "abuse of power" allegation she's dealing with.  I will also pay attention to the debates and try to imagine her WANTING  to be the next President of the United States.  In an interview she stated that she felt the VP position (as it is today) did not seem "productive".  I would like to know how she would change that.  

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