
Who here is having trials and tribulations?

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I'm asking because I've been having adversity lately and I wanted the support from others who are in the same club as me right now.




  1. Well I think everyday of our lives is a trial and tribulation that we go through.  There are times when we are not going through as bad as other times in our lives, but just living life in general is a task.  The bible says, that God will not put more on you than you can bear.  It also says that we are to give him our burdens so that he can give us rest.  Everyday is a challenge.  I don't know exactly what you are going through, but stay strong Psalm, God knows your heart and he knows what you are in need of.  Just keep trusting him and he will see you through.  God bless.

  2. can  I leave mine outside?  sure seems that life is tough but you just have to trust on God even if things look so difficult to handle; "...I have you in My palms...." so hang in there and hold on to that old rugged cross otherwise life will consume you and just spit you out.  Trust in Him and He will answer the petitions of you heart; sometimes it seems to take longer than we would like but hey God is not a credit card that we can simply issue and our prayers are answered.  Love always.:D

  3. Yes I have been in this club for some time. I believe most Christians are in this club more often than not.

    God bless all who find them selves in troubled times. And may God give you his peace.

  4. 1st. Peter  1: 6,7  ...............  Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, IF NEED BE, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations :  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

  5. Everyone does if they are honest with how they are feeling. I rejoice in the trials my family as well as I are going through because we will be stronger mature complete not lacking anything James 1:4 patience and trials go hand in hand.  

    Be encouraged e4g

  6. trials are what we are here to overcome - it makes us human as we experience life.  we are here to learn.  you should look at your trials as a learning experience and be grateful for the experience -- as soon as you are thankful for the experience and open to learning - you will very quickly see how fast the trial is solved because once you look at things from a positive point of view - the solutions become visible and the problems don't seem so bad anymore.

  7. I've been through trials and tribulations. Right now I'm, or my family, are going through tough times because of finance and the economy, but our God will help us again!

    This saying helps me:

    God only puts us through as much as we can handle, so the people who struggle the most have been chosen by God to be the strongest.  


    I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

            ~ Psalm 16:8

    You're in my thoughts and prayers as well as everyone who are experiencing tough times.

    God bless

  8. Isn't that part of being human?

  9. there's a sect in the Philippines which is using the government to pressure and enjoying its evil freedom to aggravate a church which exposes their wrong doctrines, killings and other evil acts

    buying the government secretaries, judges...

  10. we will have trials and turmoil for a little while longer ,but the LORD will see us through ,i`m sure he`ll return for us very soon so just lift up your eyes and look to JESUS for our reward is great , when i`m having it hard and satan is hammering me from every side ,I find that if i start quoting all the verses of the Bible that I can remember  and rebuking satan in the name of JESUS CHRIST , you will be surprised at how things can turn around in your favor,,,,,,,God  Bless  You,,,,,,

  11. darlin if you are alive and breathin you are either going thru or just coming out of one. I am 50 years old and i have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread.

    God walks thru the firestorms with us. A lot  i brought on myself thru hang in there

  12. Yes, I too have my problems,and I lean on my loving Savior ,and he has never let me down, But he has never put a trial  on me that he was not  right there to see me through and I come out a stronger and better human being. So, I give him the praise as I could never went through them alone. God bless.

  13. I've gone through a huge amount of painful things in my life. However, just now I'm having a fairly peaceful time with just a few physical problems. So, I just want to offer you my sympathy because I've been there and it was rough.

    I have seen God use the trials and tribs. I go through so many times. He NEVER wastes a hurt or trial. He also watches over us carefullly during the rough times. God "refines" us just like a silversmith does precious metal. In this process the refiner can not leave the metal burning without supervision or it can be destroyed so fast - the refiner has to hover over the horrid heat to watch over the metal. Our God watches over us and never lets it go ONE MINUTE more than is perfect for his plans for us.

    God loves us so much. He uses all things that come into our lives.

  14. I am a player in that club right now.  Hitting me left and right and dead center as well as from behind!!!!!!!!

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