
Who here is scared about being pregnant again after M/C?

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I dont think i had a miscarriage cuz my baby was alive when i went in for the d&c i was 18 weeks but i was in labor and he was too little to survive so i lost him but ever since then (3 months ago) i just cant wait to be pregnant again but im very scared at the same time the doctor said it might have been an incomplete cervix for the reason i lost the baby but if thats the case im scared to get pregnant again which means i might need a stich and i dont know i want a baby more than anything but i guess im just looking for other women who have gone threw a rough pregnancy like i did and now has to face going threw maybe another hard one like getting a stich!!!

please help me out!!!!




  1. I know how you feel hun. We lost a son at 36 weeks (stillborn - this would prob be what they considered your son to be). When I fell pregnant with my daughter the entire pregnancy was filled with anxiety right up until she was born and I heard her cry. It wont be easy as you will quite understandably be worried. All pregnancies are different though. With your incompetent cervix they will most likely put a stitch in when you reach your second trimester with your next pregnancy and will remove it when you are full term and in established labour. It's a good thing, it will keep bub in there safe and sound. Good luck I hope everything goes well x x x.

  2. I too lost a baby at 18 weeks, and in Australia (where I am from) it is technically a miscarriage until you are 20 weeks pregnant, even when the baby is still alive before having a d&c or being induced early.

    I was told when I lost my baby that it was more than likely caused by an incompetent/ incomplete cervix and that next pregnancy I would probably need to have a cervical stitch/ cerclage placed to prevent another miscarriage.

    I am now pregnant again, and have been absolutely terrified since my first positive pregnancy test. Every time I go to the toilet I check the toilet paper for blood, every day I am fearful of another miscarriage.

    I had a stitch/ cerclage placed at 14 weeks pregnant, and to be honest it was the best thing I could have ever done! The surgery to put the stitch in is a very simple procedure lasting less than half an hour, I had it done under a general anesthetic, and spent 1 night in the hospital for monitoring. I have only been on bedrest for the last 4 weeks!

    You will get through this hard time, and with modern medicine you should end up with a baby at the end of it all!

  3. I'm sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage in June and now we're trying to get pregnant again. I want to be pregnant so badly but I know I'll be terrified of losing the baby again when we do get pregnant again.

    If you lost the baby due to an incompetent cervix, the doctor will just put a cerclage (a stitch) to keep your cervix shut tight so it won't happen again.

    ~*~*BABY DUST~*~**~

  4. I am so hearing you,  I've had two miscarriages in five months and really want a baby, I'm hoping that the next one will stick around.

    I had a friend who had to have a cervical stich, it will be fine and it's there to help the baby, it is better to have it than have no baby.  The OBGYN know   more about these things now.

    good luck and heaps of baby dust.

  5. omg i kno exactly how u feel........ i am 4wweks prego after 3 mc in the last yr and im scared sick.........fingers crossed this little bean will stick....

  6. Aww.. im sorry for youur loss. I had a complete miscarriage at 7 weeks a couple months ago and have been dieing to be pregnant but i am so scared I cant help but think "what if" dont lose hope..

    Maybe have your OB monitor your pregnancy closer this next time..

    Good luck to us!

  7. I had a natural mc on June 7th.

    Ever since all I've been able to think about is things will get better when I get pregnant again. But now that I'm close to ovulating I'm getting nervous. I'm trying to stay hope full & be postive.

    I just have to pray that it doesnt happen again!

    Good luck to all of us! =)

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