
Who here just starting to like New Kids On the Block?

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I'm like 15 and love all there songs I love You Got It (The Right Stuff), Step By Step, Hangin Tough and Tonight. I wasn't even a thought when these guys were at there peek I liked Backstreet boys and decided to give them a try I was Hooked on there music, they don't make songs like these anymore, and I can't wait till there new album comes out this tuesday. I herd these guys were like everywhere and on lunchboxes and stuff is that true?




  1. Me(:

  2. my old math teacher liked them rofl

    they are okay :)

    I like some of their songs

  3. ugh, the boyband era is coming back...

    i think they're ok. they're just not my type of music.

  4. I love New Kids on The Block.

  5. Ha ha, I was a kid when New Kids first came out. Everyone was obsessed with them, well not everyone but all the younger girls were.

    You heard right, they were everywhere. You couldn't leave your house without seeing them either on merchandise, billboards, magazines.  They were constantly being played on the radio and on TV.

    If you think the Jonas Brother's are popular now, they had nothing on the New Kids.  

  6. I liked them back in the day, so no I'm not just "starting" to like them.

  7. That's really cool that you're so young and like these guys. They're really great! I've been a fan since I was 13. I'm 33 now.

    I'm like you. I started liking the Backstreet Boys when they first got big in 1997. That was about 3 years after New Kids On The Block split up.

    Yes, it's true that New Kids On The Block were everywhere and on everything. They had dolls, t-shirts, key chains, necklaces, watches, shoelaces, sheets for your bed, curtains for your window. You name it and they had it. I know because I had just about everything you can imagine of them and I STILL have ALL of it too. Just do a search for New Kids On The Block on and you'll see what I mean.


    I've been a New Kids On The Block fan for 20 years. ♥

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