
Who here knows how to streetsurf?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me what tricks can you do and if you can give me some tips. I've just started last week. PM me if you want




  1. Streetsurf? You mean longboarding?

  2. okay...if you want to have some fun heres what you do: Find yourself a good MELLOW hill, no traffic, there might be a car or two driving by once in a while, but thats fine.  okay, wear a helmet and some gloves, wrist guards, maybe kneepads, since you are starting out. If you dont want to thats fine too, but be aware that you might fall and injure yourself.

    Start going down the hill, you start to pick up speed, now start to do a turn to left or the right, once you are parallel to

    the road start turning back the way you came, and keep doing this zig zag turning.  You will get more speed and your board might slip out when you turn, but stay on it.  

    Do power slides on when your turning. Heres how you do them, turn really hard  and you might want to get your butt down close to your board and you will start sliding.

    If you cant fin a hill, just push really hard and pracic your power  slides.

  3. Just try to be subtle in your movements I guess, and having more speed makes it easier to move the board.

  4. street surfing is all about taking big carves especially down real steep hills, my scar my hips will second this motion. The bigger the hillls the bigger your carves should be because it will slow your motion. If you haven't quite mastered your carving don't go on too steep of hills. Also make sure your trucks are real tight for the steep hills or you will get the speed wabels and will have to bail.

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