
Who here likes Pokemon?

by  |  earlier

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I do!




  1. I DO! its a classic! whats not to love? lol plus the pokemon games for GBA and NDS are totally addicting ^_^

  2. I love the games, sort-of like the earlier cartoons, and like the movies.

  3. not anymore i like the first one when they didnt changes the voices

  4. I like pokemon it's cool.

  5. i love it but now its just ok because they changed their voice i still lov pikachu

  6. me!! hurray 4 pikachu!! =D

  7. i like the old version, the new version is just well... really bad and boring.

  8. I liked it with misty in it.

  9. I LOOOOOVE POKEMON!!! i love it i love it i love it~!! (except when they changed the voices) i have over 10 games for pokemon(still growing), i've seen all the movies except giratina and the sky's bouquet, and i never get tired of watching the show~! im a HUGE pokemon fan!! my favorite pokemon in the whole world is PSYDUCK~!!!! one of my favorite pokemon movie shorts is "pikachu's pikaboo", some of my favorite pokemon movies are "spell of the unown"..."pokemon heros"... oh, what am i saying? i love them all~! ive loved pokemon ever since it came out! i hav a zillion cards, too~ i could go on forever, but unfortunately there's a limit to how many characters in your answer. and did anyone besides me cry when they saw pokemon heros? poor latios...


  11. NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Well, i like it, but i am not crazy about it!


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