
Who here likes the red <span title="sooooooccccckkksssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">sooooooccccckkksssss!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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go red socks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. The Red Sox ARE a good team... but I have to say.... GO TIGERS!

  2. I hate them!

  3. not meeeeeee i hate red sox and yankees they both SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I don&#039;t like the Red Socks, I like the Red Sox. Go Sox woot woot

  5. Who here has a brain?

  6. They are cool in my book

    But was that worth spending 5 points on? LOL

  7. bad question, but i like the redsox!

    go sox!

    loyal fan since the first day i knew the word baseball

  8. Not me.

    and it&#039;s Red Sox.

  9. most of the bandwagon fans that left answers on this question

  10. Sure as h**l not me, I disliked them before I started going on Yahoo answers, but I have come to hate them even more because of stupid questions like this from absolutely retarded fans, and I don&#039;t even like the Yankees

  11. When did they become the Red Socks?  I thought it was Red Sox &amp; no I don&#039;t like them

  12. Another baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad question.  

  13. I do.

    Oh and btw its Red Soxs. Dice K is a beast.

  14. I will answer collectively for ALL Yankees fans. WE DO!!!


  16. I&#039;m gonna take a wild guess...


  17. Its Sox man. and I hope you can see I&#039;m one just by my name and pic.

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