
Who here thinks Michel Therrien should be fired???

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IF Detroit wins this series in 4 or 5 games, and Therrien doesn't show any "good" emotion after losses, by this I mean whining or what he looked like after ONE LOSS. He looked completely defeated after ONE ROAD LOSS to a GREAT team. If I'm Ray Shero and this happens, I FIRE HIS @SS right there at the postgame press conference. There is NO EXCUSE for a coach to act like this. ESPECIALLY when he is counted on to lead this team of YOUNG players. BE THE LEADER THERRIEN. I would tell him, I've got the team I want, I need the leadership from the coach. They need to bring in a fire and brimstone type for this bunch. They're young and need motivation and guidance, especially when they lose ONE game.




  1. He should be fired, the guy is just a lousy coach.  Coaching players isn't just teaching them skills, it's also about motivating your team and he obviously has no clue how to do this.  I mean, Patrick Roy refused to play for him, that's pretty bad when you have an all-star demand to be traded because he can't stand you as a coach.

  2. Im glad I wasnt the only one to notice that after game one.  What was he trying to do, was he hoping that his team would see that and pity him enough to win game 2?  Thats not leadership right there, and leadership is exactly what that team needs.  He hasnt really held any of his players accountable for what is happening in this series, at least not publicly anyway.

    Look at the way Babcock acts at pressers.  When asked if there was any way his team could play better in game 3 he said "We ARE going to play better".  He showed confindence and that he expects more out of a team that is already playing almost perfectly.  Therrien hasnt acted like the Pens can do better.  Hes had a sad and depressed demeanor, hes pointed the finger at the refs but acts like there is nothing more the Pens can do.

  3. The only reason I could think of for firing Therrien is not playing Crosby and Hossa enough. These two should be putting in 26 - 28 minutes a game. (Now they're under 20) Hossa looks great out there. Crosby's trying his hardest to make something happen. Malkin is not looking good at all, all I can imagine is that he got injured in the last series and isn't telling anyone.

  4. I'm not impressed - for me it would depend on what he's been like all season long.  There's no doubt he's coached his team into the playoffs, then the Stanley Cup finals, but to behave that way sets a very bad example to the younger members of his team.

    Whether it's by fear or encouragement, this guy should be rousing the pride and fire of these kids for another good push for the Cup.  If he can't or won't, then he should be replaced.

    Bettman must be biting his tongue right now, too!  Therrien represents Sid's team, and is doing a poor marketing job.

    Go Wings.

  5. I think he's one of those types who get too caught up in what transpires BETWEEN the teams on the ice. He should be concerned with only what the Penguins have to do to win. Let the referees do the officiating, let the public decide who crossed the line during the game, and by God just take it like a man.

  6. Well let's see in 2 and 1/2 seasons he has lead his team to the playoffs and then the next year the Stanley Cup. They had the 4th best turnaround LAST YEAR in getting to the Playoffs. Won the Division and Conference THIS YEAR. You would fire the man? I could see having a talk with him if you were Ray Shero but you'd be crazy to fire the man, unless you aren't signing the players and are going in a new direction that you don't think he will fit. What he acts like at the Press Conference and how he acts IN THE LOCKER ROOM could be two very different people. You are worried about his image to the media, he might be too. He may save the shouting for the team. Not sure if you pay attention to football but remember Denny Green and his "meltdown" to the media and everyone talks about that one with the Bears are who we thought they were. Well that was more directed at his players, but almost no one got it. They thought he was nuts. Maybe Therrian doesn't want to look nuts.

    Hey PSU is Therrian isn't doing a good job then why couldn't Eddie O do a better job then he did? What Malkin is how the team could suddenly coach itself?

  7. The only reason THerrion needs to be blamed is the fact that he hasn't benched malone yet. Although in Malone's defense, that was not goalie interference in period 3 of last game. Osgood clearly took a couple of dives to give his team a powerplay opportunity.

    You guys blame Therrion for getting his team to the Stanley Cup Finals?

    Okay so they are facing a better team. It's not his fault Detroit has figured out how to stop Crosby and Malkin.

    Secondly with the Refs obviously on the Red Wings side, it's only a matter of  time before the fights get worse.

    When a player goes down ten seconds after he gets checked just because he sees a ref standing behind him and then gets a penalty called in his favor is OBVIOUS cheating.

    Osgood fell back into the net after getting pushed by Malone by one of his own teammates.

    You guys must HATE listening to Olczyk. But he is the only voice of sanity on the broadcast.

    That second Red Wings goal should have been disallowed after the Red Wings checked a Pens player leaving his feet, which is an automatic penalty.

    Again Ref. bias.

    It's this same garbage that was allowed last year. The very fact the entire Ducks team wasn't suspended for their dirty cheap tactics will just ensure that the same tactics will be allowed this year. I only hope the Pens wise up and let Laraque loose on the Red Wings.

  8. He's a horrible coach, instead of addressing what  they need he complains about the refs.  I've seen a very well called game.  Of course with Detroit controlling the puck 95% of the game there going to get more calls.  How often do you see a offensive penalty?

    keithholm- You my friend are dodging the real reasons why you guys are losing.  Sure Osgood dived, but he did with less than 1 minute left when you guys were ALREADY DOWN 3-0.  Your guys need to score and your boys are NOT.  What happened to that high powered offense, you can't even get 20 shots on Osgood let alone a goal.  You wouldn't know nothing about hockey reading your post made me think if you just got into it this series.  LMFAO second goal should not have counted because he left his feet? Are you retarded?  What about Malone going up high on Holmstrom but he got away with it.  What about Roberts that dirty old hack taking cheap shots to Franzens head? You guys are classless GOONS! Worse than the Ducks!

  9. He sucks. Much like the whole Penguin team

  10. Most definitely.  He needs to move forward from these past 2 games and figure out how to get past our D and score instead whining.  That isn't going to win you the cup.  Step up, be the coach the teams needs, and figure out how to play against the Wings.  If you can't keep your composure and move forward...sorry buddy but you gotta go.

    keithhol:  Are you watching the same series as everyone else???

  11. Well if he continues to blame everyone but himself and his team for their situation........I say yes.

  12. He's not a good coach period. The team drafted very well, but he doesn't make the kind of calls that a team needs to be a great one. He just manages them which the team could do on their own without Therrien

  13. No coach who gets his team to the Cup finals should be fired, unless he commits some kind of felony on the ice.  Is it possible he's made some shaky decisions?  Perhaps --- but he got his team to the Finals, when another coach might not have been as successful as that.  Is it possible he needs to have some Cup experience himself?  Sure --- not all coaches are naturals, some have to learn how to win championships, too.  I've seen players who had to learn how to be Cup winners, coaches who had to learn how to be Cup winners, and even owners who've I watched learn how to be Cup winners.

    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    Guys - I keep looking at the replay of Sykora hitting Osgood, and I still don't see a dive.  With Ribeiro of Dallas he helped it along (and more power to him if he gats away with it) but I just don't see a dive here.  Sykora clearly went out of his way to hit Osgood, who happened to be at the edge of the net and lost his balance.  Watch it again - that's what I see.

  14. He will get one more year! If he fails to win it next year, then I see him out of there. Truthfully, he is the one acting like a little YOUNG KID who is in his first Playoffs. His demeanor comes off to his players and they react. He needs to be a little more positive and make some adjustments. I am not sure he knows how to though..... as his SYTEM was a DET replica, not his.

  15. Any assistant in the league could get more form their team than that loser. He definitely looks like he's in left field behind the bench, oh wait, he's already gotten ahead of himself, there's (at least) 2 games left. Totally clueless!

  16. You must be outta your freakin' mind. This guy takes the worst team in hockey & in two years has them in the Finals. Do you think that was blind luck ? Yeah, the Pens have  tons of young talent, but they never played defense before he taught them how to. Just ask the Sens & Rangers & Flyers about how well the Pens play defense. The Pens have never played the blue line the way they have this season & I've been watching them since they were the Hornets in 1961.

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