
Who here thinks constantly???

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am i crazy??

i think i am

i like have conversations in my head

i am desturbed i know

if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything plz:(




  1. Well I can tell you one thing your not going crazy your just daydreaming it happens to me all the time so your not alone your not the only one that does it.

    hope this info helps out from Emj

  2. The best sellers list, the man wrote the Power Of Now, says, listen to your breath let your thoughts slow then stop. He says with practice it gets longer and longer where you have peace enough to know your soul and take control with new light

  3. Your a woman, that's crazy enough.

  4. huh?

  5. Ugh, I hate it.

    I feel somewhat trapped inside my own mind. My thoughts are racing at 409743923972507843091 miles per hours when  all I really want is some silence.

    But then again, we never get what we want anyway.


  6. I am constantly thinking too. I have conversations in my head and if there's no one about, I will mumble them aloud. I'm not talking to people who don't exist, rather, sometimes they are people who exist but aren't present. It is a habit I got into to overcome my painful shyness years ago (practising conversation so that I can make small talk).

    Other times I will just take something, however small and insignificant it may seem, and run with it; analyzing, pondering, wondering, imagining... so I write it all down to help me sort it out into some kind of cohesive and structured form so I can put it to rest. Writing is therapeutic in this way. I write volumes sometimes. Maybe you should try it? I don't think it's insanity if you can tell the difference between reality and imagination and it is not affecting your life adversely. I think it's just creativity that needs expressing.

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