
Who here thinks mps are ruining england and who thinks there a doing a brilliant job and desserve a pay rise?

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who here thinks the mps are good for england or are they ruining the country and why are they going ahead with lisbon treaty when ireland said no i think we know the answer big fat bribes i want to know the publics view of mps are they an asset to britain




  1. Forget the Monarchy, let's have Mugabe in power. He'll put you right in no time.

  2. They're not just ruining England they're handing you over to Scarzoy and Co.  Demand a referendum and then the EU will have listen to us.  I'm Irish and voted no but the truth of the matter is we're not powerful enough to stand alone against them but if the UK voted and votes No also then because you have a much stronger position in the EU they would be stopped in their tracks!!

  3. So they're urging pay restraint and giving themselves a whacking great pay rise ?  Fairly Typical of this government !

    They already whacked 10% on their expenses but funnily enough people noticed.

  4. MP's do not have any other agenda in mind than lining their own pockets, as shown by wanting £40.000 to supplement their 2nd homes.

    As for the moral's, I understand that even while you read this, a minister is thinking of setting up legalised brothels.

    We have more Scots in the cabinet, so no the government is not

    for England, it's just there to allow Scotland more allowances over England.

  5. A pay rise. If this country was a public company they would have been out long ago and the police would have been investigating them for fraud.

  6. I agree!MPs are ruining this country!

  7. They suck! Bring back absolute monarchy!

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