
Who here thinks that myspace is awesome and should let any body on at any age and the littlest age being 10?

by  |  earlier

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  1. There are alot of perverts on myspace so I think that they should raise the age, not lower it.

  2. no, not for the younglings...need the maturity and responsibility of online care

    bad rap from the pond of ugly fish throwing away innocence. Good for connections and networking, just a caution to the age groups

  3. i think myspace is c00l BUT; i d0nt think myspace is g00d f0r little 0nes 0nly because i seem t0 ALWAYS get 0lder guys trying t0 h00k up with me...even when it says im taken! SEC0NDLY: try listening t0 the news; m0st 0f the time there is always s0mething 0n the t.v.ab0ut 0older guys rape'ing litle girls. and finding them 0n myspace!

    i d0nt wanna see mean; but i think y0u sh0uld atleast be 16

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