
Who here thinks that we should print enough money to give everyone a trillion dollars?

by  |  earlier

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That way we can all be super rich?




  1. It will make a good souvenir someday -- just like the Papiermarks of the Weimar Republic.

  2. That would certainly be super for our math skills with children.

  3. No. There would be huge inflation.  A cookie would probably be worth $500 then.  Eh.

    Inflation would hurt us a bunch then.  Any money held during then would be worth less than many things including maybe a pencil.

    Let's not repeat the same mistake that others made.

  4. and create hyperinflation and trash the economy no.

  5. money is useless if it is more than the goods, in zimbabwe, a loaf of bread cost 200 billion, may be you need to bring a big bag of money for a small bag of bread.

  6. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Prices will skyrocket and everyone's trillion dollars will dramatically decrease in value. WE WON'T BE SUPER RICH.

  7. Love the idea!  But can we make it $2 trillion just so we are all super rich?  Inflation is a bunch of lies anyway... WE WILL ALL BE SOOOOOO DARN RICH!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Well, your just asking for enough inflation to kill us all.

    And you thought gas prices were high.

    Remember when $40 could buy groceries for a week?

  9. Let's say that everyone has a trillion dollars. You have a trillion, I have a trillion, the farmer has a trillion, and the truck driver has a trillion. You get hungry and you want to buy some food from me (say I sell oranges). You want to pay a dollar for an orange...but I already have a trillion dollars. Why should I sell you an orange for a dollar? The farmer doesn't want to go out and work if he will only get a hundred dollars for a truck load of oranges...he already has a trillion dollars. The truck driver doesn't want to drive the oranges to me...he already has a trillion dollars. The only way you would get an orange is if you offered to pay a few million dollars. Then me, the truck driver, and the farmer might work. But if an orange costs a few million dollars, you aren't rich anymore.

    This is a simple example that demonstrates hyperinflation, the same problem that affected Germany after WWI. It took a wheel barrow of money just to get a loaf of bread because the German government printed so much money to pay off war debts.

  10. I don't think that would be smart, then the value of a dollar would be like a peso in Mexico, it wouldn't be worth anything.

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