
Who here thinks the 10 commandments should be removed from public buildings?

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to be honest i don't mind but if it offends some people then i think they should be taken down, i'm a big enough person to say hey it doesn't make my life any worse so i don't care.




  1. Well, not sure what you're speaking of. But, it would not shock me. They are taking the name of Jehovah God out of the KJ bible and the Holy bible.  

  2. I do.  I think it's hilarious when Christians claim our laws are based on them when only 3 of them are even illegal.

  3. If they are part of the original architecture (over 50 years old) leave 'em be. Otherwise they should be removed.

  4. I am not religious, but, how about this?  Is there any moral values in the 10 commandments that you would not want your children to accept and practice?  This is not about the separation of church and state, this is just BS, that is attempting to tear our country apart.

  5. I think they should remain. Biblical or not, they represent a moral basis that all should follow.

  6. I really don't care as long as the religion behind them isn't forced on people. To me it's like posting Draconian code or Hammurabi's law in front of a courthouse--same thing.

  7. I disagree with you because it is our constitutional right of freedom of speech and religion to be able to have the 10 commandments in public buildings.  

  8. I'd save remove them. Public buildings are public property and should be neutral.

    If the Ten commandments gets put up, then I want to see the five pillars of Islam, the eightfold path of Buddhists, etc. etc. Or none of them do.

    Preferably none of them though, it gets too complicated. If people believe that much in showboating their religious laws then they can post them on their own front yard.

  9. The A.C.L.U. is totally for having any thing that pertains to God, removed from sight. They even want the words"In God we trust" removed from our money. They are a godless organization made up of DEMOCRATS.  Remember that when you vote.

  10. yes i do,  because i dont think we would let other religions put there "religious beliefs" in view of the public so why should the christens be able to?

  11. I'm an atheist, and I don't think they should be taken down.  By the same token I don't think any new ones should be put up.  For good or bad they are part of our collective history.

  12. With all due respect, are you big enough not to care, or are you small enough not to care?

  13. It depends on the context. Roy Moore's version? Gone, with good reason and he lost his judgeship over it.

    On buildings where it is but a part of the history of law, I have no problems.

  14. Why?  Are any of them a bad thing?  I think they are all good.  They can just ignore the ones that have to do with God.  What's the big deal to non-believers?

  15.        They are Gods words ....Are we to appease every fool on the planet because they think there is no God  ?  let them think what they want , the madness inflicted upon the sane in the name of progress will come to an end because we are over run by madmen who don't even realize that they do serve a god , they just don't know it yet ....  But they have made satan a very happy god in the knowledge that he will not go alone........    

  16. Are you seriously wasting your time on an idea like this?

  17. It's not about whether it offends anyone.  It's unconstitutional.  It's also part of the "Wedge Strategy."

    The U.S. is a constitutional republic, not a theocracy.  If the founders had wanted to create a "christian nation," they would have done so.  That they didn't is a testament to their respect for individual rights.

    The founders believed that no one has a right to impose their religious beliefs on others.  Why anyone would disagree is beyond me.  The best way to protect one's own rights is to protect the rights of others.

    Discovery Institute's Wedge Document


    "The Wedge Document is an internal memorandum from the Discovery Institute (the leading proponent of Intelligent Designer 'Theory') that was leaked to the Internet in 1999. The Discovery Institute later admitted to its authenticity. Since then, Discovery Institute hasn't talked very much about the document, or the strategy it outlines. The reason is crushingly obvious, since the Wedge Document makes it readily apparent that the Discovery Institute is flat-out lying to us when it claims that its Intelligent Designer campaign is concerned only with science and does not have any religious aims, purpose or effect."

    Discovery Institute's "Wedge Project" Circulates Online

    Wedge Strategy of the Christian Right: Pushing Religion in the Guise of Science

    Christian Right Driving Wedge Into U.S.

    Bible Classes in Public Schools: What's the Real Motivation?

    Conquering by Stealth and Deception

    Evangelical Christian "Cancer" in America's Air Force & Military

    Kill Or Convert, Brought To You By the Pentagon

    Gingrich's War on 'Secularism'


    (and other choice quotes from religious leaders...)


  18. Yes, we don't need the perception our government is encouraging religious nonsense.

  19. You know it was a lady who found prayer in school was offensive to her,because she was an atheist.She her son and grand daughter was killed and bury in an isolated area.Some things should be left alone.If something in your yard offend me or in your house,I just won't come to your house.I won't tell you to get rid of it because it offend me.So I don't see the logic in getting rid of the ten commandments.

  20. Why would a command saying,  Do not sleep with each others spouses and do not cheat be offensive?

    Why would a command saying,  (concerning your hard and worked for needful things or earnings) don't steal from one another be offensive.?

    How, when needing a true witness of something done bad to you or anyone,  the command to not to be a false witness be offensive?

    How is that when we don't want other's desiring and seeking to take our wives or husbands or things (COVETING) offensive?

    How is it that wanting justice,  forgiveness,  mercy and peace to take proper courses for offense done instead of just killing out of the heat of anger and passion wrong?

    How is commanding to honor mom and dad offensive ...considering who they are even if they fall short?

    Why is asking men/women to not carve an image out of an empty substance,  (JUST) to have it justify the wrongs were not sorry for or give us things to consume upon our lusts (bow and worship it) offensive?

    Why is commanding men/women to not use God's name for empty and lustful things offensive..

    How is commanding men/women to pick one day out of seven from hard work to rest from their labors. To get them to reflect rest, be content and keep them from running greedily for gain,  offensive.?

    How is asking men/women to remember their creator and that he is the only one who created them and not to declare their devotion concerning their life to another,  offensive?

    I Think the offense is about something different at its root .... and there is certainly great mis-understandings.


    All these commands were toward a people who were not doing these things....


  21. Why not put up the sign: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", as well?

    The OT says so.

  22. I say we apply democratic principles and represent the will of the majority.

  23. They absolutely SHOULD NOT be taken down.  

  24. I don't see a point in having them up or down. It won't change the law. You're still not allowed to steal, kill, lie, etc.

  25. Depends on if it is a historical building or not.

    If it's a new building, they shouldn't put them on, knowing it offends people.

    But if it's a historical building, leave it alone.  By changing it, you would lose it's historical significance.  Like it or not, this applies to many buildings in D.C. as many of the original laws of the land were based on the ten commandments and they showed that in their various artforms, including architecture.

  26. The first amendment prohibits the establishment of religion and prohibits denial of the right to practice freely whatever religion or lack of a person may choose.

    Having the 10 commandments posted does not establish a religion. The denial of other religious principals to be posted would in effect support the establishment of support for a particular direction. Just as the 10 commandments do display a moral guideline that for the most part if followed would be socially positive, other religious moral guidelines would also be appropriate such as the Wiccan Rede. There could also be some Bhuddist moral teachings along with some others. The posting of others that support moral social behavior would not only openly display that there is not a direct support for a particular ideology,it would show that there are many paralells among various beliefs and may help to support respect and understanding for other beliefs at the same time.

    I do understand that there are narrow minded persons on both side of the arguement that feel threatened by the opposing ideology. There is also a tendancy to want to exert power for the support of ones beliefs when one understands that any differing information may open couriosity for another path and in turn potentially allow a conversion away from the supported religious ideas.

    I support ignorance beingreplaced with information, uderstanding and respect.

    @ Blue Foots, the commandment is, "You shall not murder." If it were "kill", it would prohibit any christain from being in the military or law enforcement due to the potential of having to use deadly force. Exodus 20:13.


    @Frankie, The words "In God We Trust" have already withstood the challange. God is a neutral term and does not support any particular religion. In 1950 the words were removed from the $20 bill, it is called the Athiest 20 and if you find one they are worth about $40 for starting value. I have 6 of them. I do not agree with the removal of the terms and although I am not a Democrat, I cannot support voting Republican either. I am one of the leaders of a group that meets in a chappel on Ramstein Air Base and as for what I have seen politically, there is a lot more to consider and be informed about than religion. With the sale of the US to forign interests having increased at least 30% under the current administration, when the country is forign owned, how much religious freedom will our children have? Being as Saudi Arabia alone owns around 7% of the US economy and that has been increasing, how long before they and other Aribic countries own enough to have the term Allah on the US $?

    As with the 10 commandments, keep the historic  foundation but also be informed in other directions. I would like my children to actually be able to raise there children in the US and not a forign owned country, being able to have access to information that may not be the same as what they believe but they are taught to respect.

  27. How about a compromise?  How about it depends on how long they have been up.

    God told the Israelites to post them on their heads, hearts and door-posts.  Put them on your front lawn, if you please.  Many in the South do.

  28. once they are taken down there will be a void and then this void will be filled by islam..... time will show!

  29. Honestly, a little bit of "thou shalt not kill" placed upon the courts doesn't bother me, however I do see the importance of separating religion vs state... I think that things should be uniform. If all have it taken down, then don't leave one up on the building. I think there's bigger issues these days then whether or not some plaque is on or off a building when the actions within the building do not reflect a particular religion to begin with.

  30. I do, especially ones that are government owned. The Establishment makes it clear that religion is not part of the government and such items should not be palced on or near government-owned sites.

  31. They have those on public buildings? Are you serious? Personally, when I go out I don't want to have to see religious things like that everywhere. Its like Christianity is always in the main focus. If a building had the 10 commandments and a Buddha prob. But just having that is not right.  

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