
Who here thinks the Western Bulldogs will break through this year?

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  1. I really think the Western Bulldogs is the great Victorian hope in making the GF. Geelong are now playing good footy and winning too, but they are inconsistant as well.

    The Bulldogs are extremely quick, mix that with youth and experience you got a team waiting to be the Powerhouse of the AFL.  Scott West, Johnson, Cooney, Darcy are showing what stars they are, and could win games at any point of the game with their class and skills.

  2. I'm a doggies supporter and we are going to win this year

  3. they promise so much and always disappoint i hope they do but i would love to see them as footscray as well

  4. as a doggies supporter hoping we will but will be a good test this week againts the swans in ACT . we should be aiming for a top four finish. i think were the only victorian club that has a great chance of making the GF. especially with chris grant, Robert Murphy to come back. we have the game plan to go all the way. go doggies (sad end to montomerys career)

  5. even though I'm a Carlton supporter id really like to see the doggies win their second flag,they'll need a bit of luck with injuries but with a fit/full list they can definately give it a shake this year,geelong would be the only other side from Victoria to have a chance as well.

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