
Who here thinks we will have another Great Depression soon?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not, by nature, a pessimistic person. But it seems a "perfect storm" is brewing to make times really tough.

How tough? I'm not sure yet. But I think things are going to get uglier before they get better.

Will we be on the soup lines in 2 years?




  1. thinking does not help   ostrich

  2. No, we arent even in a recession.  If you are in a soup line in two years it's your fault, not the economys.

  3. my late grandmother told me once we have an economic slump during election year and it's worse when its for an etirely new president. next year will get better. we just have to be patient.

  4. have faith in god!we will be find i promise u!

  5. Things were very different back then. The way our economy is structured there really isn't any way that the 1929 depression could happen again. We now call it recession and this hasn't really even been classified as a recession yet. The tech boom and bust was worse than this, the stock market dropped below 9000 on the Dow Industrial We are currently at 11382, we'll be fine, we just need the oil bubble to pop.

  6. i believe that our economy will continue to go down, but i dont believe that it will be as bad as the great depression.

  7. It's gonna be worldwide baby.  Batten down the hatchs matey, it's gonna be one h**l of a ride.

  8. Only if the Socialist Obama gets into the Oval office.

    Barring that this nation and its economy will survive nicely thank you.

  9. Wont be any soup for the people to wait for in the soup lines. Or anything else. I figure that it will be the beginning of the die off of the majority of the human species.

  10. I do

  11. The events are eerily similar to the late 20's when the market boomed then busted.  When capitilism goes uncontrolled and everything gets deregulated this sort of thing happens.

    Monopolies destroy competition and hurt the small business owner.  If you want a fascist state then go on and vote McBush.

  12. i dont think it will be soup lines but it will be baking our own bread tough and families will have to pull together to survive, multi generations in one home

  13. I'm not pessimistic either, but I think that we're coming awfully close. It's scary, isn't it? I have a feeling the stock market is gonna crash soon. It's so... scary!

    I had a dream about a month ago about it, and there was just so many homeless and my family and I were in line for a soup kitchen. The freaky part is that sometimes you dream something and it happens, I hope this doesn't!

  14. i think we are already hitting one

  15. Likely, thanks to the politicians all advocating ethanol because it boosts their approval ratings. Ethanol wastes food, and it takes more energy to make than you get out of it.

  16. ah. it's tragically possible, but I don't see it as very likely.  FDR once said that there are 3 things that dominate global cultural and economic superiority: international communication, international transportation, and oil.  that was the early 20th cent. and we dominated the world in oil reserves, UK dominated in transportation, and it was a rush to develop radio and spread it around the world, which, America won.  Understanding that those are generally true ideas it now stands that communication and transportation are dependent on oil... but we don't have any and the world is running out... it's not the answer.  So we need to develop, and become the leading nation in, alternative energies and renewable resources.  If we can run our planes, tanks, satellites, etc. etc. on hydrogen atoms and stored solar/wind energy... we'll be able to sell it to the world, stay ahead in all major aspects, and have a thriving economy that manufactures cheap energy to the world but creates the jobs in America.  That's how we can avoid a Depression, all our other resources are depleted. we can't just borrow and spend and expect not to break, dramatically.

  17. Yes a "perfect storm" is brewing, how bad it will be is yet to be determined.  The possibility of one that we had experienced during our parents lives is possible, but not probable.  The one that happened during the late 20's and early 30's is the one I was referring to.  Many adjustments are going to have to be made by many here that were not old enough to recall what it was like during WW ll, and before.  Rationing as well as the unavailability of goods at any price is a possibility.

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