
Who here wants lower gas prices and wants our country to be energy independence ?

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If you do then vote for McCain/Palin....If you don't want any solutions to the energy crisis than vote Obama/Biden




  1. Democrat's like paying more for gas .  They also like giving half there pay check to the Government .

  2. Well, I think most Americans want this, and I agree that the way to get it is to elect McCain, however, with Gustav bearing down on some of our main oil supplies, gas will raise again soon.

  3. me  

  4. yes i do.

    however, neither of the options would give that to me

  5. America doesn't have the reserves it would take to lower gas  prices and achieve independence. Not at current consumption rates.  Not by a long shot.

    America has the reserves it would take to make the oil industry even richer than it already is, selling off the remains of this important national asset to the Chinese at sky high prices.

    That's what McCain's energy policy is about.  America would end up with no reserves, completely dependent on foreign oil, and paying more for it than ever.  

    And republicans would say, "but the president has nothing to do with the oil market...!"

    Our remaining reserves are a national asset of great strategic value.  They should be conserved as much as possible, by policy.

  6. I'm not sure which candidate will make progess toward energy independence, but I don't think either can impact gas prices much.  

    We are a small part of the world, and the price of oil is an international market issue.  We're losing influence, and will continue to do so as China and India mature.  And they will soon account for 3/8 (37.5%) of the population of the entire world.  We are probably 5% of the world population.


    Energy independence will come from new things - like hydrogen cells, hybrids, super batteries, etc.  Not from finding more oil.  (Drilling in Alaska is fine with me, I just don't think it's a long term solution)  

  7. Well if obama is elected, no worries, kkk will just assisinate him. Not to be racist, just pointing out the obvious. McCain is a simple man who was actually in the war and helps people. BTW, obamas wife's smile and eyebrows irritate the h**l out of me, like d**n she looks evil

  8. i would like to have low prices on every thing i need.

  9. I beg to differ------ever heard of a tire gage.

  10. Exactly.  

    Put America first,

    Vote McCain-Palin '08!

  11. You might want to listen to T. Boone Pickens, an oil man who has said that we have only 3 percent of the oil reserves and 25 percent of the demand, so we can't drill our way to energy independence.

    McCain just squawks "Drill Here! Drill Now!" like a parrot.

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