
Who holds the all time record for most knockouts?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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In boxing. What is the boxers name?

Not best record, not fastest.... just the most knockouts.




  1. Archie Moore. He has 145 or something like that.

  2. Archie Moore and Young Stribling have to be at the top of that category.  Sam Langford also had alot.

  3. Young Stribling.

  4. Top 10 all time knockout specialists are:

    1. Archie moore, 145 KO's (retired at 50!!)

    2. Young Stribling 125 KO's

    3. Billy Bird 125 KO's

    4. Buck Smith 118 KO's

    5. Sam Langford 117 KO's

    6. George Odwell 114 KO's

    7. Ray Robinson 109 KO's

    8. Sandy Saddler 103 KO's

    9. Henry Armstrong 101 KO's

    10. Jimmy Wilde 99 KO's

  5. Archie Moore had 145 knockouts out of his 194 wins in his great career.

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