
Who hopes that a girl wins Big Brother (UK)?

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I would be happy for any of Lisa, Kat, Rachel or Sara to win BB9, because they have all been nice and entertaining and fun and would deserve it.

Would you REALLY want Rex, Mohamed, Mikey or Darnell to win?

None of them particularly deserve it. Particularly Mohamed and Darnell.

LOL, do you agree?




  1. no kat is soo fake mohamed to win  

  2. Anyone but the odious coke snorting rich kid living off his dads money would be fine by me.

  3. I hope Rachel doesn't win, I can't stand her! I feel like throwing something at the screen when she comes on!  Now, I wouldn't mind if Lisa won, or Rex, Darnell or Mikey, the rest of them, not a chance.

  4. I want Rex or Darnnel to win this year the women do nothing for me.

  5. i agree that a girl should win this year, because none of the guys deserve it, plus theirs only been 2 female winners (kate and nadia), so it would be nice for a third this year

  6. I would be happy if a girl won but there isn't any potential female winners right now, is there? Kat is plain annoying, so is Sara's voice. Rachel is fake, to me. Lisa's alright, I guess. But Mikey or Mo to win!!

  7. Not me. All the girls in this bb9 are fake and game players anyway as is the rest of them.

    Tsk. . .

    BB just isnt what it used to be ey.  Actually Lisa is alright she could actually win.  

  8. Yea agree

    i want kat to win x]

    but i think mikey is fav  

  9. Why do you say darnell dosent deserve it??

    i agree about lisa not the rest of the girls.

    edit: well i sorta uderstand you, though if you were locked up with rex, bogey moe and the happy house singers would you go mad!?!?

  10. Yes, its about time, isn't it - it's Rachel for me  

  11. As long as Kat doesn't win!

  12. My preferred order would be:




    If Mikey or Sara won i'd be happy. If Lisa won i wouldn't be too bothered. Anyone else would be a shame

  13. Yup  its SARA  or LISA for me the other two women are sooooo not worthy to win!!!

  14. Kat- Fake   The only time she has her cookie jar ison eviction nights

    Rachel -Fake and Boring

    Lisa -Shes Cool And Funny

    Sara- Brill, Cool Funny  s**y


  15. Rex a sickly overbearing rich " daddies boy" bully

    Darnell an American with symptoms of Manic Depression ie high low (except MDs are much nicer.people )

    Mo greedy pig changes sides as an when he sees fit

    Michael truthful not false love the way he is with moron Rex and his equally pathetic gf but sickening to watch when he is eating.

    Lisa a woman who claims to have done everything been everywhere and yet she and that sloppy bf are ignorant self promoters

    Sarah her voice gives me the creeps her falseness is legendary

    Rachel has endured the nasty Rex has been dignified and has not bitched about other housemates but

    Kat to win she is the only TRUE housemate kind thoughtful and genuine.even when bully boy Rex who made her cry and nasty Darnell who turned on her she kept her nice nature so KAT to WIN!!!! the only really worrying thing now is that these dregs of our society will rejoin the human race in 2 weeks phw!!

  16. i dont think any of the girls should win they are all boring this year esp kat she is so fake its all cookies this or cookies that shut up!!!!!!  rachel is fake to nicey nice for me! sara well she just licks everones ****!!! lisa well she does need help with her dress sense tights with shorts and trainers !! if i had to pick one girl to win it would be lisa but i want darnell r mikey to win mikey is so funny  

  17. The only guy I liked this year is Rex

    Sara to win!

    I want a girl to win (providing it's not Kat)

  18. Yes Sara or Lisa are the only 2 left  that deserve to win.

  19. Sara Kat or Rachel ,would do me ,

  20. 1. Kat

    2. Rachel

    3. Lisa

    4. Sara

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