
Who ia a better athlete in the sport they play Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?

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  1. Carolina Fan,

    This is a good comparison. Now when you say athlete I would have to go with Michael Jordan because typically basketball players are more "athletic" than golfers in the sense that athleticism means physically fit, built well, and in shape. But I think what your asking is who is more dominant at the sport they played: Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods? In this case I have to go with Tiger for a few reasons.

    1. Yeah Michael Jordan has an amazingly big impact on the team he is on, but he could not have won the championships he won all on his own, he had good players supporting him as well. Tiger only has his caddy.

    2. During MJ's career, there were other allstars that developed as well. When he went head to head against these allstars he would usually get the better edge, but no always. Those players that would even remotely give Jordan a good game or stop him a few times on defense got the confidence to become an allstar as well. Tiger crushes his opponents with amazing frequency when he plays golf. Considering that the game of golf is set up so that underdogs can shine much more often then underdogs in basketball, when Tiger loses it is usually to someone who just had the round of their lives. My point is Tiger dominates his competition so bad that nobody can get enough wins to get the confidence to be great as well.

    To recap both were amazingly dominant, but Tiger wins due to constantly winning with no help from anyone else and not only beating, but crushing the spirits of everyone he plays. I'm not sure that there has ever been anyone as dominant as Tiger in one sport.

  2. I think they are about even in their own sport

  3. Both are the best in their own perspectives. The closest complete athlete would be Michael Jordan because he accomplished the undeniable greatness. True, Tiger Woods has won ad achieved enormous success but it is well-known that golf requires far less athleticism, strength and endurance than basketball. In terms of endurance, Tiger Woods would win considering he has consecutively won majors ever since becoming popular and he works incredibly hard to win. Jordan has the upper hand on athleticism and composure. There is a lot more pressure when a team of 15 depends on you rather than you and your caddie. Jordan carried his team into greatness while Woods just had himself to worry about. A better athlete is the one who can elevate himself and his team to champions. Tiger Wood's calm personality and formal attitude is a method similar to Jordan. Both have had significant impact on their respective sports yet the ultimate athlete has to be Jordan.

  4. tiger

  5. Tiger is the best althete hands down one can compare...but they are both the best at what they do

  6. 1. Pele

    2. Kobe

    30. MJ

  7. Tiger by a mile!....and tiger will never lose his Love for his game like MJ did.

  8. MJ that is OBVIOUS, Tiger is an overrated scumbag

  9. I beleive Michael Jordan is a better athlete in his sport. Untill Tiger Woods wins more majors than Jack Nicklaus, I cant change my mind.  When it is all said and done, Jordan will be the best NBA player ever and Tiger will be the best golfer ever and noone will dispute it.  Assuming tiger continues to dominate to the end of his career, I will consider them of equal accomplishment.  Most importantly however, I will classify the two together and alone at the top above all other athletes.

  10. You cant really compare the two. They play two totally different sports.

  11. tiger isnt an athlete hes a golfer. golfers arent athletes.

  12. totally different aspects of the game. Tiger is all alone out there except for his caddy, but I still have to go with Tiger.  The best there is and probably ever will be at there sport.

  13. tiger.There will never be another Tiger Woods.We already have people comparing others(kobe, lebron) to jordan

  14. MJ

  15. Tiger woods.

  16. tiger no doubt.....but jordan can play both sport though

  17. Tiger. He is by far the best golfer in the history of the sport if you ask me. Jordan was great, but he will never undoubtedly be the best basketball player ever.

  18. its an impossible question because (1) their both the best of their era (2) basketball is a team sport and golf is individual

    obviously tiger won more championships.. but jordan lead his TEAM to championships.. so its really hard to answers

  19. It's two very different sport.  MJ is a better athlete with team game.  Tiger on the other hand is the best ever in golf but golf is not a team game so it makes it easier for him in that he only depend on himself to win.  Pure athletic abiliy have to go to MJ because he can outrun and outjump Tiger.

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