
Who in YAP would make a good canditate to run for Public Office in the Philippines?

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Someone who is WELL versed in Graft and Corruption




  1. .....i second the motion of annabelle p!

  2. I would suppose you would make a good candidate with all your money. You have built a good foundation by helping the government and that includes the country, with the millions you have donated.  Keep it up and oh, please let the public know what you have been doing in case your name doesn't ring a bell to the millions of Filipino voters.

    Nah, we don't need G and C.  We have enough of that in our system of governance and it is time to vomit them out.  What we need are passionate and dedicated servants  who will fulfill their promises to serve, not the other way round.

    EDit:  i think whoever is feeding you information about me is either a terrible (or congenital) liar or fomenting a distorted view of myself.  just because i am friends with the people you hate doesn't mean i condone any alleged wrongdoing they did or are doing.  you don't know me WELL enough to judge me.  if you are on a crusade against them, count me out.  i am not here to crucify anyone or bear judgment on anyone.  it's your fight...i have nothing to do with it.  i may have been cheated in the past (or even now) but it doesn't really concern me enough to give sleepless or troubled nights.  YAP is not my bread and butter; i have my own productive life. my tongue is not sharp as you claimed it is otherwise it would have cut my "enemies" into a thousand pieces.  it's blunt, only sharpened by wits and people who are bent on maligning me.

    Add: i wonder if this is the real Mr. WELL???  if you are h**l-bent on eradicating corruption, you're acidity is best served nailing corrupt officials in the government,  not in YAP.

    btw, you should see my claws, too...they're more sharper than the sharpest knife and it can do more damage when  provoked.

  3. The LADY president.  She knows already how to convince and make her way through the intricacies of governing.

  4. Ω allan y

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