
Who in america support dennis kucinich on impechment of presidend bush?

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today friday US time dennis kucinich will try to stop the bush administration attacking iran by means of impeachmeant what do you think




  1. why bother .... what a waste of time.... why else do you think the congress and Senate has worse approval rating then the president.  In fact their approval rating (which includes Obama and McCain) is the worse since they started tracking polls against it.

    It's the stupid non-important events that distract the body from events that actually have meaning in the world.

    Impeach them!

  2. Oh my god!

    Can't you people get over it already.

    The reign of terror (bush's term) is almost over. We only have a few more months just leave it alone already! All this talk of impeachment is beginning to be childish.

  3. Too little...Too late...

  4. Kucinich Kennedy Kerry and the rest in congress need to be impeached they have stayed in congress Thur to many generations fleecing the American people it's easy to blame bush for every thing but we live in a country were he can't make the decision with out congress so let's impeach congress if the president made the decision  by his self you could call us a Communist nation

  5. impeachment sound good to my ear.maybe this nation will be good with him out of office

  6. I support making Dennis Kucinich the ambassador to Mars. He regularly visits with aliens already and probably doesnt mind being probed. Leave his hot wife here though.

  7. Impeachment for what? The region we are currently trying to stabilize is overrun with terrorist primitives who will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone who does not follow their philosophy of destruction. Kucinich is just another ultra-liberal talking head with no goal other than to disparage any move the president makes. A better question...Do you think we should allow an embittered islamic-fascist state to develop nuclear weaponry as we look on? Senator K is more than a little erratic, just listen to some of his past rantings. He makes Howard Dean sound like a man of few words.

    ASHLEY: Get a grip and think for yourself. Don't absorb all the left-wing nonsense that your instructors force-feed you!

  8. Senator Kucinich is a person that ought to be in a rubber room not the Senate.

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