
Who in here thinks it is completely wrong to pierce an eight year old's ears?

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I don't agree with piercing a child's ears against their will but what do you think if my eight year old daughter would like to have her ears pierced?




  1. Ear piercings are stupid

  2. If your child wants it let her get it.  I was 6 or 7 when I got mine

  3. I think that it's perfectly fine to do it at that age. I was 7 when I had mine done. Like you said, it's not like you're tattooing her!

    I would make sure she knows the responsibility of cleaning them, turning them, etc and that they do take awhile to heal. If she's not into that then wait awhile.

  4. Purely from an aesthetic viewpoint I think that ear piercing on kids looks soooooo tacky.  I remember as a kid I was DESPERATE to get my ears pierced from the age of about four, one thing I'm so happy with is that my parents said "no way".  I ended up breaking them down when I was ten - I realise now it would have looked better if I'd been 16 like they originally said, but it was a pretty good compromise.

    I guess it just depends if you want your daughter to look like she's going to be an attorney or a checkout operator when she grows up - I would say hold tough on this one !

  5. if she is asking to have it done and you are okay with it then there is nothing to ask.

    that sounds about like the perfect time to have it done. im plannign on waiting till 6 or 7 when she starts asking to do it.

    but if she gets scared just be supportive.

  6. I think if they are old enough to ask for it they can have it done.

  7. If she wants to have her ears pierced, then I think it's okay.  I definitely don't think it's wrong.

    P.S.  I got my ears pierced at eight.

  8. i agree with u about piercing their ears "against their will" i have a 22 month old little girl and she isnt getting her ears pierced until she can come to me and ask me herself. Then she will be able to understand that it will hurt, but its something she wants. I was exactly eight when I got my ears pierced, my parents waited for me to ask them and at eight yrs old I did and they were able to explain to me that it will hurt and at eight ur old enough to know better not to touch them. I think 8 is a perfect age! Gives her something she can feel grown up about..

  9. My daughter had hers done right before school started last year when she was 8.  She is a very bright and responsible girl though, and really understood the responsibility of taking care of them.  So long as your daughter knows how to take care of them, there is no reason why she can't have them done.

  10. Your the Mom. What difference does it make what your kid wants?

  11. I don't see anything wrong with it.

  12. i got my ears pierced when i was 5, so 8 would be an ok age

  13. The issue is that you have an ex-husband - and that's why your question was different this time.

    Your ex-husband has a say in his daughter's ear piercing as well.

  14. I got my ears pierced when I was 8. I wanted them done around 6, but my dad wouldn't let me. When I turned 8 he said it was ok, so my mom took me to do it. I don't agree with piercing a baby's ears though...and I don't care how many thumbs down I get for that. But I'd never to it to my daughter before she was old enough to actually ask for it.

  15. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting your girl get her ears pierced your not a bad person, some people on here need serious mental help. My mom took me in when i was like three to have it done. It was a good idea because at that age you don't realize what's going on,and you don't worry about pain, but at the same time i could've grown up not wanting my ears pierced. (But I did)

    It's an earring, it's nothing to freak on you about. Now if you ask on here about belly piercings and c**p I could understand, but an eight year old getting her ears pierced is completely normal and acceptable.

  16. If your child is old enough to ask for an ear piercing, then she should get them pierced.

  17. Wow, first of all, I know how it feels for everyone to be so mean and rude on Yahoo! answers sometimes.  It must be really hard for you and I respect you for keeping strong through it all.  O.k. so I won't go on and on anymore, and just answer your question: I think as long as your daughter is really willing to have her ears pierced, and not just saying it, but then becoming too afraid to actually have them pierced it's o.k.  I had my ears pierced like the day I was born because my parents wanted me to not remember the pain  or something like that.  I don't know if my answer makes sense, but yeah.  Well, good luck with everything and remember that I promise I would never write you a mean, ignorant comment.  :)

  18. I think it depends on the 8 year old, and also her parents.. surprisingly earpiercing causes alot of problems until they heal.  (Who would have thunk it)  

    Some kids are good with earpiercing at a young age, and some.. well infections.. ugh.  

    I know there are parents that get their daughters earspierced at 6 monthes and have no problems..

    and then there are parents that wait until their daughters are older, and have nothing but problems

    The key I think is to keep the ears clean, freaky clean, just not your once a week ear inspection clean..

    Good luck to you!

  19. I think if  the kid wants it, why not...

    some people pierce their babies ears...

    it only hurts the kid for a second.  

    I think people shouldn't pass judgement on others

    and mind their own business too- unless it is sever abuse

    or something.

    but something like ear piercing is normal in many societies...

    Just don't get mad if the kid looses earrings or jewlery. they didn't do it on purpose, it is an accident.  Does anyone really WANT to lose a piece of jewlery.

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