
Who in the h**l came up with this notion that women have a higher threshold for PAIN?

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can anybody cite a SINGLE study (one not written by NOW or Feministing)?




  1. The first MAN to witness childbirth!

  2. Probably because women give birth. Even then it's ridiculous - how many women don't even try to deliver a baby with no pain meds? They schedule epidurals before they even know how they will handle the pain. I gave birth to my first with nothing but a couple shots of demerol which wore off three hours before the birth. It hurt more than anything I've ever felt and I didn't tolerate it well at all. LOL I yelled so loud! We aren't so macho and tough as we think we are. I know I'm not.

    I don't know. I think my husband has a higher tolerance than I do. And I think I have a way higher tolerance than one of my BILs does. Pain tolerance is different from person to person. I'm not sure gender has anything to do with it. But the whole "women have a higher pain tolerance" mantra goes hand in hand with the equally nonsensical "women are more intelligent" or "women are more moral". It's sexist bull if you ask me.

  3. Presumably an ANOTHER WOMAN, and rightly so. :-D

  4. Just imagine: You're walking around with 60 extra pounds of weight mostly carried in your midsection for months. Your feet, ankles, face and hands are like balloons. An 80 degree day feels like 189 degrees and on top of that, your water look like you just wet your pants. As you are being rushed to the hospital, your contractions comes then a break then another. Each one getting more intense than the last. It feels like a charlie horse in your belly that last 1 minute straight then subsides. All your muscle working together and tightening around your baby pushing farther and farther down that tiny hole that once brought you pleasure....not anymore. This doesn't stop. No, it gets more intense and painful. All your strength is being swallowed up by these one minute excrusiating contractions. You've been doing this non stop for 20+ hours. You haven't slept. Your cranky, but can't say anything because you don't have to energy. Then the doctor comes in and sticks her finger up the one place that you would never want someone to touch at this time. While she is measuring how far that once 1/2 inch hole has stretch, you have another contraction. Again, all your muscles working together to shove this baby out of a hole that is now 7cm...about the width of an orange. You are almost done, but this is only the beginning to the worst pain you will ever feel. The contractions aren't being spaced out be a few minutes. They are now one after another, one rolling into the other. No relief. Your once determind attitude about having an all natural birth is gone. You are screaming at the doctor to give you d**n epidural, you are screaming at the nurse who is trying to calm you down, you are screaming at your husband who is trying to comfort your, but you know he is the cause of this. THEY AREN'T STOPPING! Why won't they go away! Finally the doctor comes back in and checks are dialated to 10cm! She tells you to push. After 2 hours of pushing, the doctor says that only a few more pushes and the baby will be out. You push. A deep burning is felt in the birth canal, but after what you just went through, it is nothing. "One last push" the doctor says. You listen to him and suddenly relief. A small scream rings through the room. Your baby is here!

    There is no reason why a man can't handle this, but I think that women were designed to be able to take it better.

  5. have any fu*king men ever given birth? i didnt think so.

    what kind of pain can a man feel that a women have and will never been/be able to feel?

    fu*k you you fu*king sexist pig.

  6. I think God when he decided to make women deal with the the discomfort of menstruating and pregnancy, and excruciating pain of child birth.

    That's just being brief. There is much more c**p women have to deal with indicating that God must have given us something [higher threshold for pain] to put up with it.

  7. I don't really know.  I read a study about mens pain threshold being lower because of circumcision.  The infant mind retains the pain information and any pain sets off a reaction.  Oddly enough, men go to Dr. less often for pain then woman, nursing homes have more woman than men.  Men are more often associated with pain inducing battle, while woman prefer a quick poison.  Lately girls have been battling  each other in the same manner as boys, yet girls grow out of the aggression tactics sooner than men.  Interesting.

  8. I don't know why you would assume that there are no studies or that all these studies would be written by NOW or Feministing. You sound pretty resentful towards feminists for some reason. Chill and do some research before flipping your lid.

    As for studies, you can even look it up on google if you're interested in educating yourself on the topic.

    There is a correlation between s*x hormones and pain threshold as demonstrated by many studies performed on people with different hormonal levels.

    A higher presence of female s*x hormones provides endorphins and increased pain threshold to prepare a woman's body for childbirth.

    Here's just one example plotting women's adaptability to increasing doses of electrical stimuli as compared with men's unchanged responses. It's just science. Enjoy!

    Oh, and it was written by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

    If that doesn't satisfy you here's another one by  the Indian Journal of Psychology and Pharmapsychology, explaining the results of pain testing on men, women and children.

    As it is clearly stated, tolerance for pain is lower in children, women who have had their ovaries removed and therefore have lower hormonal levels, and intermediate in men. Cycling women have the highest threshold for pain, which also increases at pre and mid-menstrual phases.

    So if you were thinking of beating your wife, at least wait until mid-cycle, would you?

  9. I think that theory is based on the fact that women have children and are made to handle that pain.

  10. I don't know about NOW, but Feministing don't do studies. Cite them, maybe.

  11. Same persons who thinks women are "natural" gifted for care.

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