
Who in the States can see this ... ??

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Someone asked a Q on McCain that I felt I had to answer:

Well, I'm Australian ... and even I can see right through this bloke.

Except being a people-hater [and who in even a quarter mind would vote for such to run a country!!!??], on any other issue than war, he's just so close to being a Democrat that, if you gave him just a few drinks, he'd be across the floor/aisle on almost every issue!!

Your best gun by far, and one who loves people and can firmly stand on his family's record, is Mitt Romney.

In pure overall credentials, he is head and shoulders over anything else you've got there.




  1. My bloke is Obama.

  2. In USA we always vote for the best of the worst as they do not even run if they are really good people. Our most serious crooks are always in our government and that is why it seems we are arrogant and hate the world. We love everyone but our politicians are nasty and mean and say things and do things to make us look bad unless your country pays them off. Our "con"gress is full of "cons".

  3. We Democrats don't want him and are highly irritated that you suggest he's one of us...

    Mitt Romney is about as fake and corporate-driven as they come as well.

    Perhaps your opinions are as upside-down as your country?

    I'm not saying that to be mean, but you ARE on the other side of the world on this issue...

    America will elect a democrat this year and I hope it's Hillary... we'll know in 2 days.

    You just have to keep in mind that the media spin is now trying to make McCain look "moderate" for the election.

    But if you look at his voting record, he didn't even support a troop surge until they tacked on some pork that allows oil drilling in Alaska...

    He's just the worst of the worst... don't blame it on the democrats!

  4. "He's just so close to being a Democrat that, if you gave him just a few drinks, he'd be across the floor/aisle on almost every issue!!"

       That was just funny!!!  I appreciate your sense of humor :)

  5. And just why would anyone listen to an Austrailian? Your country is hosed, except for the beautiful women.

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