
Who in the US today, disagrees with this declaration of liberal principle in the Declaration of Independence?

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Quote: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." — Declaration of Independence

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  1. Love the question. Off the top of my head the following disagrees with this declaration in principle :-

    * White supremacists... and other racists.

    * Many religious groups that believe in chosen groups (such as the Jehovah's Witnesses and their 144,000  co-rulers with Christ)...

    Others disagree with this declaration in practice :-

    * Anybody who thinks it is "self-evident" that babies born into their own family are more important than strangers babies i.e. most people don't in practice believe in "created equal"...

    * Examples of the "unalienable Rights" being alienable are:

      > Life - Look at the number of homicides, and then there's death penalties...

      > Liberty - Everyone's a wage slave except the ultra-rich, and then there's jailhouses...

      > The pursuit of happiness - Not everyone can pursue material hapiness at once as there aren't enough "American Dreams" to go around...

    Guess I'm feeling a bit negative today...

  2. It's the pursuit of happiness that kinda bothers me. You know there are a lot of evil men and women out there who would be very happy if they could go hunting for blacks, Muslims, homosexuals, Christians, prostitutes, Jews, or anything human that they are afraid of. That would make them very happy to be able to kill anyone in any of those groups of people.

    Then there are others who take it upon themselves to create depressions in whole counties to make money, and money makes them happy, and there are the sexual predators who would be more than happy if they could only do what they want without the F(&@#@$%^G, government stepping in and disrupting their sexual happiness!

    The pursuit of happiness in the states has become an abused ideal for the twisted and apathetic who will pursue their own happiness at the expense of you and I.

    It's very much like the freedom of speech thing that is so abused that it is worthless in any constitution of any nation these days. With that rule of thumb in an angry man's hip pocket he can go out and slander anything or anyone in the arts by using the arts as a vehicle of the so called "freedom of speech", thing.

  3. Well they are called,'fundies' & also right wing cons.

    Post the same question under 'politics'.

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