
Who in the USA is the nearest thing to Royalty? Why do Americans love the Royal family so much?

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Just curious.




  1. Well it used to be said that the Kennedy's were American royalty. In current times I would say Brad and Angelina or David and Victoria Beckham.

  2. Britney Spears

  3. >>often times, the leader of a "not-monarchy" country and his/her family are compared to royal families of such countries but sometimes the richest people are compared... Jolie-Pitt were once compared to the royal families... "pretty and rich"... Bush and family... but Oprah was never.. you know...

    >>Americans love the Royals because they think Royals are too much...power, money, beauty, famous... those things and besides...they like the Royals because they are very different and strange people...strange for their "etiquette" and trying to be always good and dignified in public that the Americans can't do...

  4. My guess is that it has something to do with most Americans' British heritage. The only (rational) reason to love the royal family is because it represents your cultural heritage and is a continuity from the days of your ancestors. Since most Americans are descended from the English, it makes sense for them to be somewhat loyal to / love the British royal family. The Queen was in America a while ago to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first English settlement in America, and yes, she was warmly greeted.

    No matter how much the Americans claim to be separate from Britain by not joining the commonwealth, and staunch republicans, the ties to Britain are maternal ones. The Anglo-Saxon race is bound together by common blood as well as values.

    I think deep down, we would all like to have our own royal family for each of our cultures, though not necessarily governing us. We would all like to have someone who personifies our heritage, and reminds us of our roots. The pomp, feeling of heritage, and regalia of constitutional monarchies is something republics miss out on, and perhaps that's why Americans admire the royal family closest to them, the British royals.

    Plus, have you heard that George Bush is very very distantly related to the Spencers and the royal family?

  5. I've heard people say for quite awhile that it's the Bush family.  With so many people hating Bush now, maybe it's not too far off because I know how people can feel about the British Queen!

  6. I think Zsa Zsa Gabor and they like royalty because most people like to believe in fairy tales.

  7. We claim our celebrities are royalty but if you look at this US' presidency and gov't, we have had "dynasty type" lines in the gov't. The Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons, etc.

    You could claim that big businesses such as the Hiltons, Trumps, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, etc are royalty but in the comparison of the US gov't they would be nobles that work for the "king". So in comparison that would make our Hollywood celebrities low end aristocrats.

  8. Technically Bush is related to the Windsors. So does he count?

  9. Because we've never had anything like it! The closest we've come is the Kennedy's, probably.

  10. I would have to say the Kennedys would be the closest thing to a royal family here.  I love the Royal Family because of the history and the ceremony.  I have enjoyed the marriages and birth announcements over the years.

  11. I dont know the answer to your first question.  I dont know that people in the USA love royalty as much as we love celebrity, wealth and power. /The media also loves them.  Faceit the Royals have all of that were the original Rock Stars.

  12. It is just like s*x.  When you never have, you 'll love to do a lot.  After you have for 20 years, you start to feel it indifferent.   Europeans are just like people who have s*x for 20 years.  American are just like teens before s*x.

  13. I disagree with the poster who mentioned the beckhams. I can't see that anyone really cares about them. The British Royals  have some class, which is missing in the Hiltons, and hollywood celebs. I can't think of anyone who matches the Royals. As for why americans are interested, it is like a fairy tale, and provides some escape from our mundane existence. I think that most americans have lost touch with our roots, and have very little tradition and ritual within our families, nothing that has much meaning. I think that we reject tradition as "un-american" but subconciously desire it.

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