
Who in their right mind listens to what Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh have to say?

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Who in their right mind listens to what Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh have to say?




  1. All republicans love them dearly.

  2. I occasionally listen to them for a good laugh.  The same way I used to listen to Howard Stern for a good laugh.  The guys are entertainers.  As long as one sees them for what they are--again, entertainers--and doesn't take them too seriously, no harm done.  It's the folks who hang on their every word and believe they spout the gospel, or who hang on their every word and find 50 million things to hate for the rest of the day make them dangerous.  They make a living just like most everybody else in their field, by stirring up a big ruckus, then sitting back and laughing about it.  Might as well sit back and laugh as well---because they all have something funny to say.

  3. Those who have given there ability to think and are under the mind control of Bill and Rush.

  4. Apparently millions of people.  So must you since you have an opinion about them or are you just parroting what someone else has said?

  5. complete idiots

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