
Who in this country would like to see the Royal Family beheaded, once and for all?

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Who in this country would like to see the Royal Family beheaded, once and for all?




  1. You are fortunate they repealed the treason laws as you could have seen yourself hanging for saying things like that!

    BTW I'd rather have the queen than a president!

  2. Erm...... nah.

    (By the way - I think you'll find most beheadings are 'once and for all')

  3. What good would that do? Republicans just want an unelected head of state replaced with an elected one.

  4. I'm with you Goose

    do we really need them

    i don't think so

  5. I think we should practice on you first.

  6. What would you rather have?   a president??????  then you could start your own little wars,   what fun!!!!!!!

  7. Its a slightly silly question really, as you could hardly see them beheaded more than once could you?

  8. Why should we not behead you instead?They bring in the tourist adle head.

  9. No, but sacked and put on the council waiting list, with all the wealth redistributed amongst the general public/taxpayer. Oh yes.

  10. That is sad.

  11. I would prefer to see the liebour cabinet beheaded.

  12. What are you on?  You seem to have some nasty fantasies.

  13. A bit severe isn't it?

    Maybe we could just exile them instead or, worse still, make them get real jobs like the rest of us.

  14. pay them all off , they are redundant after all..........

  15. I'd like to see you beheaded once and for all.

  16. No beheadings. I would like to see their power & riches diminished even further by parliament so they r just historial figureheads.

  17. i would like to see you beheaded, the royal family are a british institution and the queen the head of our state.

  18. Well, I am anti Royal family but to behead them is a bit harsh.  Rather stand them against a wall and shoot the privileged set of losers..... Only kidding but what a shower

  19. Yeah, and after them, we could wall in eton and oxbridge and fit gas chambers and ovens!

  20. Give them an your life of luxury but pay for it yourself. No more must you live of the toil & sweat of the British taxpayer

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