
Who in ur opinion do u think give more ...... As, men or women?

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Why do u think this way?(plz be honest).




  1. Women are more sensible because they think with their hearts and are always looking at every option

    But Men are probably more sincere and truthful because they think with their minds, or not at all.   Just like when their wifes ask what they look like, they'll be dumb enough to say fat lol.

  2. men of course

    women are evil

  3. Sensible - women (they take less risks and are more careful)

    Sincere - men (Ever heard of a man giving a compliment? It's coz he doesn't want to. Pretty sincere)

    Truthful - Men. (Women sometimes lie to cheer their friends up. If I asked my friend whether I've gained weight she'd say no. If I asked my uncle, he'd say yes. And he'd be right. Best go to the gym now. See ya!)

  4. I am not sure if you mean for charities but I am going to assume men, simply because when I used to wait tables the best tips always came from middle aged men.  That was pretty much the standard all the way across the restaurant.  So I am willing to bet that it is men who give more to charities.

  5. I'm not sure but that's a very good question

  6. it can be both!! it depends!!

    i can tell you how women are, but no wanna start!!

  7. i think everyone is individual.  

  8. woman of course .there is no dought.

  9. Taqwa

  10. Most men

    Women are confused between East and West;...

  11. How can you ask a question like this!!........

    Ofcourse it is woman!!!!!....................

  12. Women - coz we don't show off, like the guys do, we are honest

  13. sensible .. men

    sincere ... women

    truthful ... both

  14. women!~

  15. Women and men, both I say.. Well, actually it depends what the question is based on.. e.g if the question is based on politics then obviously men are the ones who will give a better answer whereas if the question is based on the hijab, marriage etc then women are most likely to give more logical answers then men.. However once again I repeat that, it also depends on the person himself.


  16. it depends

  17. Women

  18. I recently read a book by John Gray, a classic called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

    And it shows that women give more in a relationship. It all goes back to their point system. Women think doing anything is one point by one point. Men think that different things value at different points, meaning that chocolates and flowers are one point while paying the bill would be fifty points. Men work to bust their butts off at work, and hope they come back to happy wives. They think that by keeping their stable income and working extra hours at work to get more money, they are gaining loads of points. While they're doing this, the women sit at home waiting for their husbands feeling neglected of love. When the bill comes to be paid, it only amounts to one point. As opposed to if he had come home right after work with flowers and chocolate, given her a massage, cooked dinner and did other sweet things for her. That could amount to five or ten points. Its said that both men and women need fifty points.

    Men give as how they want to receive. Women also give as how they want to receive. Men give more points for things of more value. If you buy a car for them, it's more points that if you offer to make them a Bloody Mary. Women give one point for everything. Receiving a necklace is just as nice as getting a surprise bouquet (this does not mean that men should slack off and only get the bouquet constantly to avoid splurging for gifts because women appreciate the gesture. and it's the surprise element that gets you the point most of the time). Men give big presents, expecting the woman to be satisfied and give many points. Women pile on the gestures, thinking everything is counted one point by one point which can overwhelm the man. Either way, the woman gives more. But its not necessarily a good thing. To be a good relationship, both sides should give more or less equal amounts and by learning about the points system, they can work on making the relationship work. :)

    Wow, that took a long time.

  19. It's funny you ask that because just recently when we went to a islamic gathering and then the imam asked for donations to the countries where our brothers and sisters are suffering and the women ended up giving more than the men the imam was lyk " Where's our brothers when we need em".

    I guess it depends really on the person as an individual.

  20. I don't want to be lynched so I'll go with the crowd and say women.


  21. women we give life

  22. Neither or both. It all depends on individual's character. All are not of the same mold. Both can be different, same or one different. If everything matches then life is heavenly. But alas! it never happens.

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