
Who in your eyes are the real terrorists?

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Also state why you feel that they are the real terrorist.




  1. Well, the people who unnessecarily  and deliberately cause terror are the government.

  2. The terrorists cause, well, terror. So the terrorists are obviously organizations such as al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Taliban, etc. Not just them, but really anybody (even those outside organized Islamic militant regimes) who bring harm to the innocent is a terrorist.

    Anyone who says otherwise such as the U.S. government or the American population is a complete idiot.

  3. Al Quaida tops the list. The real terrorists are the people who

    kill innocents in the name of ideology,and by that I do not

    include soldiers who serve their country.

  4. Politicians !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Right now, in no particular order:

    Religious Iran.





    Drug Dealers.

    Drug Makers.

    The rioters in France.

    Communist China.

    North Korea.


    Practically all Islamic Leaders.


    Tamil insurgents.


    Cesar Chavez.


    Organized crime.

    George, d**k, and the fundies are minor; they'll be gone soon.

  6. The people who strap bombs on themselves to kill and injure innocent people. The people who call for genocide and destruction of their neighbor. The people who's religion is about killing others without cause other than prejudice and jealousy. The group who's religion gives murderers martyrdom and claims they collect virgins in heaven. Those who demand the world believe as they do or death. Those gutless types that flew aircraft into the world trade center. blew up buses and businesses, fires rockets into their neighboring country. That's who........Any other questions?

  7. All terrorist groups such as Hamas, Jihad, Hezbollah, Al Queda, Iran, and all the other radicals such as the Liberals leading America. You have all these radical groups who want to destroy Israel and want to take over the Western world, these radicals do not give a hoot about human life, period. Then you have the Liberal leftists who are trying to destroy our country with their anti-G-d, anti-America, anti-family, anti-gas, want to raise taxes, etc.... you name it!

  8. Sad to say, but I believe my great United States of America is the 'real terrorist' of the world. The U.S.A. has become a schoolyard bully that intimidates other governments, manipulates the media, and lies to its people.

    While this has been going on for over sixty years, it's only been in the past eight years that the thugs in the Bush administration have brought such bullying to a whole new level of violence and terror.

    Bush lied to Congress, hoodwinked the American people and conned our valiant U.S. troops into believing there was honorable purpose for invading another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States. All so he could 'get even' with Saddam Hussein for humiliating George H.W. Bush during Operation Desert Storm; so d**k Cheney and his OIL buddies could steal all of Iraq's oil; and so that the giant U.S. military-industrial complex could boost sagging profits after too many years of peace.

    I believe the Bush administration had knowledge of - or perhaps even participated in - the events of 09-11-01 in order to proceed with its plans to conquer Iraq.

    I believe the Bush administration is controlled by a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who want to become wealthier and more powerful at any cost - including the cost of 675,000 Iraqi lives and the lives of [many, many] more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers.

    George Bush, d**k Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and their war-mongering friends deserve a special OIL-soaked corner of h**l, along with:

    all 535 members of a Republican-led Congress that stood idly by and allowed Bush to run ripshod over our U.S. Constitution -


    - all 535 members of a Democratic-led Congress that promised to end this vile 'war' if elected, and - to date - have done absolutely nothing to keep that promise.

    May God d**n them all. They are the 'real terrorists'.

    -RKO-  07/12/08

  9. The real terrorists

    Reason:  they are really terrorists.

  10. The US government - no not the soldiers. like the general population thay have been the targets of the most efficient and effective disinformation process on the planet - the US education and media (including Hollywood) establishment.

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