
Who in your opinion asks more interesting questions?

by  |  earlier

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men or women on yahoo! answers.I am not a feminist or something, but I have just realized that the answers i posted are 90% to questions asked by women...




  1. Good girl. Feminists are something byw.

  2. feminists are something all right...same as male detrimental to humankinds advance...I have never noticed a pattern to my answers

  3. Hi,Women of course!!

  4. Spored men debili kato men :) *cough* I think men ask the more intresting questions more often but i'm not sure

  5. I think it depends on which catagory the question is in. Sometimes when you see a question, you don't know whether it is a male or female who has posted it purely because of their ID name and they have no picture placed in their avitar giving any indication to their gender

  6. i think is has to do with the fact that you can relate to women's thinking rather than male perspectives

  7. I ask the most best question ones

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