
Who influences you the most: parents or peers?

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Who influences you the most: parents or peers?




  1. Definitely parents, because they teach me about the Filipino values and this is a good an influences and they give me of any an advices when it comes the decision making and on how to do it of your own responsibilities as being a good person


  3. none of the above..

    my sister does..

  4. parents...definatly

  5. the foundation of my values is from my parents... i am young adult now. there were stages in my life that i was affected and influenced by peer pressures, community, education and the society as general... but what i am today is because of the values i learned from my parents.  

  6. my parents, esp. my mom

  7. Both of them.

  8. Fortunately, I was never influence by peers growing up in the neighborhood. If I was, I would have an extensive criminal record by now.

  9. Parents. When I make major decisions, or even simple ones like what to eat a mcdo :) , I ask for their advice. They know me more than anyone :)

  10. parents of course.  

  11. 90% was influenced by my folks the rest from peers! no regrets

  12. parents of course...from birth til now...they are meant to be an example to you  

  13. peers...

  14. my parents...

  15. peers now  parents earlier  BTW  You have cute grand kids  looks must run in the family Being  a grand parent is great   I used to call  little kids nose pickers and ankle biters  Not any more

  16. Values and Attitudes are from my Parents

    Fashions and style are from my peers

  17. Parents...

    I dunno what to do without them. All my decisions are based on their advice to which am glad I followed. There are times when I chose to ignore them but I always end up looking for them.

  18. it depends. when it comes to fashion and "shallow" stuff like that, i say my peers. but when it comes in making serious decisions in life, of course my parents

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