
Who invented Pool the game, a female or male...?

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Who invented Pool the game, a female or male...?




  1. The game has been around for hundreds of years and came about by the genius of a "male". The best I can do is provide you with some links that will give you some idea as to how pool came to fruition.

  2. How billiards came to America has not been positively established. There are tales that it was brought to St. Augustine by the Spaniards in the 1580’s but research has failed to reveal any trace of the game there. More likely it was brought over by Dutch and English settlers. A number of American cabinetmakers in the 1700’s turned out exquisite billiard tables, although in small quantities. Nevertheless, the game did spread throughout the Colonies. Even George Washington was reported to have won a match in 1748. By 1830, despite primitive equipment, public rooms devoted entirely to billiards appeared. The most famous of them was Bassford’s, a New York room that catered to stockbrokers. Here a number of American versions of billiards were developed, including Pin Pool, played with small wooden targets like miniature bowling pins, and Fifteen-Ball Pool, described later.

    Such is the start in this country But It was invented long before in Europe there are dozens of sites on the history of Billiards -Pool & Snooker

    The early games were nothing like we play today I might take George on in 9 ball Im not even sure which games he would have played

  3. I'm sure the idea of hitting balls with a stick was first thought of by a female but I'm pretty sure the game was invented by a male.

  4. i dont care i juss love the game

  5. It was a male who invented it, but it doesnt mean men are better at it =]=]

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