
Who invented balls?

by  |  earlier

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who what where and why the balls first started to be played.




  1. God.

  2. probably the same dude that invented the wheel.

  3. Everyone (almost0 as a child - playing in mud or with plasticine etc.

  4. as far as i know, it was in England...

  5. I think it was  the cave man.

  6. The who, what and why have been lost over the last 4 or 5 thousand years,

    A brutal and often fatal game called Pok-A-Tok had been played as early as 3000 BC in Mesoamerica.  This may be the first known ball game.

    Tsu Chu was a football game played in China as early as 2500 BC.  (some say even earlier(.

    Balls were found in Egyptian tombs, as old as 2500 BC

    and in the Mediterranean area,  Episkyros (also known as Phaininda) goes back to about 2000 BC.
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