
Who invented beer?

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Who invented beer?




  1. the people whom invented beer were the English people

  2. who cares? just guzzle it down! by the way, we have vitamin beer here in the PHILS

  3. Nobody knows.

    Somewhere around 8,000 to 10,000 years ago beer began being brewed all over the world. Many people believe that the Egyptians invented it... but they are wrong. This misconception comes from finding the oldest written beer recipe carved in the wall of a tomb. Funny side note... Egyptian "slaves" weren't really slaves. Everyone in the kingdom was required to serve the Pharaoh for a period of something like 3 years and they were paid... in beer.

    Anyway, pretty much simultaneously in what is modern day Iran and China ale was discovered. Yes discovered, not invented. Most likely, grains in a bowl were left out in the rain and a little spontanious fermentation occured. The first beers brewed were not really good tasting... but they got you drunk. Shortly after this discovery man started adding adjuncts like herbs, grasses and tree leaves/needles to flavor the beer making something similar to today's Gruit style beers.

    The oldest record on file of beer... really not a record... is pottery from China used to store beer in... 9,000 year old beer bottles. Dogfish Head Brewery has recreated this beer using data from chemical testing done on the pottery. Though, the China pottery out dates any known discoveries from Iran most archaeologist still believe that Iran was the birthplace.

    Dogfish Head's Chateau Jiahu:


    History of Beer:

  4. The common wisdom is that the Egyptians invented beer, treating it more as a liquid bread than just a drink. At the same time, the Mesopotamians were doing the same thing.

    The oldest known evidence of beer was found in Iran.

  5. ah the nectar of life lol


    I speak for religious people on this one point. If god created the heavens and earth and the creatures that dwell on it, he also created beer. And so to their diety I am greatful. [ : ) wink}

    Beer has a long and dynamic history. We may never truly know who invented beer. Some think it to be Mother Nature (who created fermentation). One such theory is grains were discovered in a pool or bucket (whatever) of water. The processes of germination and enzyme activity produced sugars that were eventually fermented into alcohol. Others may say it occurred through the need for a consistent a reliable food source.

    This thinking is credited with the settlement of communities to cultivate and harvest grains. Again, perhaps some of the grains were gathered and left in a basket that then was left out and filled accidentally by rain. The grain being left for spoiled later fermented into a beer-like beverage.

    Wine was discovered in similar way. Perhaps fruit fell from a tree branch and split open upon hitting the ground. The naturally occurring yeasts in the environment (and other microbes) fermented the fruit sugars to alcohol.

    Others believe it was from such chance occurrences and the comparisons of similar discoveries with naturally fermented fruit (today called wine) that an industrious person began tinkering with grains to make “Grain-wine.”


    Beer History Trivia Quiz:

    #1. What is the oldest active brewery in America? (Hint: It's been brewing beer since 1829.)

    #2. What brewery was America's largest in 1895? (Hint: "PBR me ASAP.")

    #3. What was the first American brewery to sell beer in cans? (Hint: Think New Jersey.)

    1. What is the oldest active brewery in America?

    D.G. Yuengling & Son has been brewing beer at Pottsville, Pennsylvania since 1829, ranking it as America's oldest brewery. Founder David Yuengling carved aging cellars deep into the rocky hillside on which the brewery is perched. During prohibition, the company made near beer (de-alcoholized beer) and dairy products. Today, the brewery is still in the hands of the Yuengling family, and is experiencing its greatest success yet.


    #2. What brewery was America's largest in 1895?

    The Pabst Brewing Company of Milwaukee was the nation's largest brewery in 1895. (Anheuser-Busch was number 2, and Schlitz was number 3.) At the helm of the Pabst brewing empire was the colorful Captain Frederick Pabst, a former Lake Michigan steamship captain. His vision and relentless drive for expanding markets carried Pabst to the top. Near the end of the 19th century, the Pabst Brewery was turning out more than one million barrels of beer annually, and using some 300,000 yards of blue ribbon each year to tie around the bottle necks of its popular Pabst Blue Ribbon brand. Though Pabst no longer brews in Milwaukee, its flagship "PBR" remains an American favorite still today.


    #3. What was the first American brewery to sell beer in cans?

    In 1935, the G. Krueger Brewing Company of Newark, New Jersey became the first brewer to market beer in steel cans. In that year, only about 25 percent of beer was packaged in bottles and cans -- the rest was kegged. Today, however, about 90 percent of America's beer production is consumed from bottles and cans.
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