
Who invented bingo?

by Guest33998  |  earlier

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i mean the game!




  1. Two rather plump Italian ladies during the 15th century are credited with its beginnings. It arrived in the U.S. during the 1920's (originally called "Beano") and the name over time became Bingo.

  2. some man with a dog

  3. Edwin S.Lowe

  4. Wikipedia tells us that Bingo was discovered in 1993, so it's time to rule that out because I remember my parents taking me to the social club on a Saturday night when I was 11 or 12 and they blayed Bingo, and that was in the 70's.

    Bingo has been around since Roman times, not sure if they invented it or if they came across it when they were out conquering other countries.

    Incidentally it was the Romans who also invented the lottery


  5. Two fat ladies

    The game's history can be traced back to 1530, to an Italian lottery called "Lo Giuoco del Lotto D'Italia," which is still played every Saturday in Italy, apparently.

  6. two lttle ducks

    seriously tho' go to they have the info-apparently its roots go back to the 1500's-and at one time it was called beano in the u.s where it reached in 1929

  7. A bloke named Mecca in Saudi Arabia

  8. Bingo or its original name "beano" is based on lotto invented in Italy in the 19th century.

  9. Says here that the Italians invented it

  10. It was two fat ladies
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