
Who invented coke float?

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ive been addicted to the drink lately...just curious




  1. some soda jerk i assume

  2. someone was probably out of root beer and had a craving for a root beer float so they substituted it with a coca-cola...thus forming a coke float...this is, of course, just pure speculation lolz

  3. I don't know the name of the guy but I know he wanted to invent a house's hygiene product instead of coke, it was an accident,  gonna check it..

  4. Green's account, published in "Soda Fountain" magazine in 1910, states that while operating a soda fountain at the Franklin Institute's semi-centennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1874, he wanted to create a new treat to attract customers away from another vendor who had a fancier, bigger soda fountain. After some experimenting, he decided to combine ice cream and soda water. During the celebration, he sold vanilla ice cream with 16 different flavors of soda water. The new treat was a sensation, and soon other soda fountains began selling ice cream sodas.

    Sanders owned a successful confectionery, the Pavilion of Sweets, in Detroit, first opened in 1875. One night, some customers came in shortly before closing time and ordered sweet cream sodas. Since Sanders had run out of sweet cream, he quickly concocted a new treat by adding ice cream to soda water.

    Regardless of its origins, it quickly became very popular, to such a degree that it was almost socially obligatory among teens, although many adults abhorred it. According to legend, it was banned, either entirely or on holy days, by some local governments, giving rise to the ice cream sundae

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