
Who invented double decker?

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Who invented double decker?




  1. whats a double decker?

  2. the first double decker plane was invented by boeing--the 747 jumbo  jet....but now the worlds only true double decker plane is the AIRBUS  A380...

  3. Boeing will tell you they invented the first double decker aircraft in the 747, but technically speaking the Airbus A380 was the first true double decker.

  4. George J Doubledecker in 1965. He also invented a chocolate bar which bears his name.

  5. The first design for a double decker transport was the Convair XC-99 it was a prototype heavy cargo aircraft built by Convair for the United States Air Force. It was the largest piston-engined land-based transport aircraft ever built, and was developed from the B-36 bomber, sharing the wings and some other structures with it. The first flight was on 23 November 1947 in San Diego, California, and after testing it was delivered to the Air Force on 23 November 1949.

    A civil variant of the XC-99, the Convair Model 37 was a large passenger aircraft which was planned but never built. The Model 37 was to be of similar proportions to the XC-99; 182 ft 6" in length, 230 ft wingspan, and a high-capacity, double-deck fuselage. The projected passenger load was to be 204, and the effective range 4,200 miles.

    Fifteen aircraft were ordered by Pan American for transatlantic service.




    Unfortunately for the project, the fuel and oil consumption of the six 3,500 hp Wasp Major radials powering the XC-99 and B-36 meant that the design was not economically viable, and hoped-for turboprop powerplants did not materialise fast enough. Fifteen orders were not sufficient for production, and the project was abandoned.


    The only example served the U.S. Air Force and flew into the record books and into excellent service for ten years (47-57)and the aircraft still exists. Following a complete restoration the aircraft is expected to be displayed inside in one of the USAF Museum's new hangars. Like its relative the B-36, it is expected to become a showpiece of the Museum. full restoration is expected to be performed by the restoration crew of the Air Force Museum, though no timetable exists at this time.



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