
Who invented language?

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I've been wondering for a pretty long time...

When did people start talking? Like who decided " I'll create a way to communicate"? Its not for class, i was just wondering.




  1. Clearly, it happened in prehistoric times, and it probably took a very long time for any real language to emerge.  People attached certain sounds to certain concepts, and the idea spread.  Think of this: some of the first sounds babies make are m m m m and da da da da.  So although parents name their children, in a much deeper and broader sense, children name their parents.  If you ask someone who speaks another language his words for mother and father, you'll probably hear sounds similar to the English words.  As for grandparents, I've known a few who were called by the first words their first grandchild said when he saw them!  Then think of the number of words that actually imitate a natural sound.  So I think language just developed naturally and grew as people found more complicated things to talk about.

  2. God did.

    People could speak from the very beginning, but at first it was all one language. Then, after the Flood, at the tower of Babel, God scrambled the tongues of men so they couldn't understand each other. Then they left off building the Tower because theyt couldn't communicate  Then they spread out over the face of the Earth.

  3. Thomas Edison invented language just after the turn of the 20th Century.

  4. GOD

  5. Frankly, according to scientists, it was created by need. Scientists say that back when the cavemen were around, they used grunts and motions to communicate what they needed or wanted, say food or water. Then, they evolved, and they experimented with all the different sounds they could make. Eventually, it became different languages, when people emigrated or immigrated from some where to some where their dialect changed, and eventually became a different language altogether.
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