
Who invented portable fans?when and where?

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Who invented portable fans?when and where?




  1. fans came from along time ago! the Egyptians believed that the fan was a source of light and that passed on until portable fans were made. china had them to. the Egyptians and the Chinese both had them from over thousands of years ago. so it is a debate from china to Egypt. the modern fans were not built by one single person, an electrical company invented them along after the big "plug in fans", like the battery in the cell phone. as the years pass on things get more bigger and better when great minds get together. :)

  2. The history of fans is a story of improvisation before the age of electricity. The earliest ones were known as "screen" or "fixed leaf" fans, They were manipulated by the hands of slaves to cool, produce a breeze and ward off insects from royal faces and bodies. Some of these fan types have been found in Egyptian tombs. Even though the air temperature equals that of the surrounding environment, the movement of the air has a chilling effect that helps to lower body temperature. This thermodynamic feature was well known to all cultures of the ancient world.

    Assyria as well as Egypt employed slaves to manipulate fans. The tomb of King Tutankhamen brimmed with goldenfans adorned with ostrich feathers, which matched the depictions on the gilded walls. Servants of this era often carried long-handled, disk-shaped fans, which they used in various religious ceremonies. The plumage of birds was a common fan component in the Egyptian, Aztec, Mayan, South American and Native American cultures-(read more)


    The history of the fan dates back to Egyptian times when large leaves were used by slaves to cool royalty during the hot summer months.  During the industrial revolution companies began using wind powered fans to keep their workers and machinery cool.  The more common electric powered fan was invented by Philip Diehl in 1882.  Throughout time Diehl’s simple belt driven fan has advanced into complex air circulation devices found in today’s commercial and residential settings.The main purpose of the fan is to circulate air in such a way that it provides a comfortable environment to the occupants of a given room or area.

  3. I imagine even cave men had fans of some sort.

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