
Who invented prostitution, was it a man or a women?

by Guest67027  |  earlier

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  1. it was a man evidently becoming the first ever pimp

  2. Despite all the books, movies, TV shows etc., that claim that men are the controlling side of humanity, in actuality, it is the female in control.  Of course, people make a big deal when a woman is raped (s*x by force or coercion) and well they should, but this does not mean that is the norm.

    Women, IAW Leonard Nimor in "I Am Not Spock" are the key-holders to sexual encounters.

    In the old world (long before the time of Christ, when civilizations began) women fought alongside the men; if people wanted to have s*x, they grabed a person of the opposite s*x and did it whenever/whereever they were, including in the middle of the road!  (No cars.)

    As women before WERE EQUAL to men (Judaism brought about the patriarchal system) and since women predominately control the sexual encounters, I would have to say that alone is evidence that prostitution was "invented" by women!

    (There are also a number of books that I have read, several authored by women, that concluded this is the case.  I have no doubt to its accuracy...)

  3. Women, because they know how to twist men around their little finger to get what they want, be it food os anything else! ;)

  4. In the monkey world, female apes have been observed giving sexual favors to male apes, in exchange for oranges...

  5. an interesting question - by our nature as primates we are not monogamous and a million years ago, living as hunter-gatherer herds the female human primate took exclusive care of the offspring. However, humans evolved and notably developed a larger brain, the off-spring needed to get out of the womb earlier (so that the larger skull and its brain could pass through the birth channel), and consequently needed more time to look after. The females were looking for more security, more food. How to entice the male groups? To offer them s*x... The more s*x the women were willing to provide, the more food and protection they received from the obliging males. Those females who prostituted themselves the most ardently, lived longest and produced the most offspring.

    The result today, 1 million years later, is that modern women are genetically programmed to view men as providers of material comfort, while modern men are genetically programmed to look at women as s*x objects. To put it another way: the very nature of all intimate relationships between women and men is inherently prostitutional. Like their prehistoric ancestors, contemporary women provide men with s*x in exchange for material goods; contemporary men provide women with material goods in exchange for s*x. So strong is this genetic program that it has even been made the foundation of modern monogamous marriage: in the US, in all 50 states, by law, husbands are required to financially support their wives and children, while wives are legally required to provide sexual services to their husbands. This is why it is so difficult to convict a husband of raping his wife: until recently, the idea of "marital rape" was unthinkable.

    to make a long story short: it was the women...!

  6. Well, if it was a woman that would make her the first real entrepreneur. After food and water it must have been one of the easiest products to market.

    It is worth remembering that ancient cultures attitudes towards s*x was different to that of the present day.

    In Roman Society, women were the possession of their father or husband, they had no property or money of their own. The only exceptions to this rule were the occasional widows and prostitutes. These prostitutes could become independently wealthy and successful.

    This was one of the reasons the Romans and Greeks were mistrusting of the Celts and other Barbarian races, because the women had more social and economic power.

    It might not be what we would consider to be an alternative, but at the time there was little else.

    This poses the question that if Mary Magdalene was a prostitute within Roman society, could she have been a wealthy woman, rather than the image we have of a wretched w***e?

  7. it was a woman probably selling herself for a little food or seeds to grow some.

  8. Likely it was not one or the other that one day said to themselves, hey prostitution sounds like a good idea, let me spread the word.  Women and men BOTH have prostituted themselves throughout history and currently.  The conditions for the arrival of prostitution varied among different cultures.  In some it is considered acceptable, others it is taboo, while some even have a third gender  to fill the niche.

  9. Whenever there is a market for something, people will find a way to sell it.  

    There was a demand for s*x (by men) - women provided it.  Why?   To make money - the curse of this world.  

    However, there were and still are women who are placed into slavery and are used as sexual toys - that is not a women's choice - that is the male's pervertedness taking control of his heart.

  10. both and the person that invented the word f**t...they seem so both only teasing ..dont be so angry.. I was once one of those gals that you are referring too...have a great day and dont call I am retired

  11. Probably a woman. Men think they should get it for free.

  12. i think it was a women

  13. I think it was positively a man. a woman has other important things to think about.

  14. i thought it was henry the eighth but i stand corrected

  15. man after his wife had daughters

  16. I'd say it was women. They were probably like, 'Woah, they're willing to pay money for this?' Ha ha ha ha!

  17. I Guess we'll never know for sure. It wouldn't surprise me if prostitution already existed before humans populated the globe.

  18. None of the above.the evil one the devil invented prostitution.

  19. It benefits both sexes. Could have been either one. I suppose we will never know!

  20. only way to get some house keeping money.tight old man on p.c. all day.

  21. i think women may have been the ones to start it.  men have always had a one track mind and are willing to do anything for s*x.

    women in general have massive power over men (unless he's g*y of course) knowing that a man will do anything for s*x including pay for it.  easy money from desperate men.

  22. Prostitution is older than history, the Ancients had what were called temple prostitutes, not dirty.  Men marching off to war were followed by camp followers, keeping soldiers happy.  Women followed the gold/silver rushes.  We will never know who started it, if a man is willing to pay enough there is a woman somewhere willing to be paid for it, our society uses high maintenace whoars to sell cars, dishsoap and video games all the time.  So maybe your question should be why are media prostitutes less offensive than the ones which really put out...

  23. It was probably a mutually decided upon business arraignment when the women weren't just slaves.

  24. There is absolutely no way to know.

    It's like asking what was the first word or who first saw a star.  It's lost in the annals of time.

  25. Probably both. All I know about ancienct time of prostitution was on the story of the Corithians. They were ONCE dirty people.

  26. I think you'll be wasting your time if you're thinking of sueing.

    Even if you find out their name, they're almost certainly dead now.

    I guess you must have been a bit drunk though if you aren't sure if it was a man or a woman, so the Judge would probably say that you were at least 50% responsible for any loss or damage you suffered.

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